Vacancy at BDF: Communications and Project Officer

in News

Communications and Project Officer

Baltic Development Forum is looking for a new staff member to join us in our Copenhagen office to work on EU-funded projects related to Baltic Sea Region cooperation, with a focus on communication.

In the spring of 2016 Baltic Development Forum enters into two Interreg funded projects: Baltic TRAM and BSR Stars S3, carried out together with partners from across the Baltic Sea Region. BDF’s role in both projects is to develop and implement overall project communications. We are now searching for a talented candidate to take on the main responsibility for this work, as well as contributing to overall BDF tasks, primarily in the field of communications. The work will be carried out in collaboration with the Head of Sustainability and Communications. The position is limited to the 3-year timeframe of the projects.

To be successful in this position the candidate will need to have previous experience in communications, preferably from public policy organisations. The candidate should be able to take initiative and work strategically and independently. A sense of flexibility and a willingness to collaborate with BDF colleagues and contribute to overall activities within BDF is required. The position has strong outreach elements and will require collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders. Some travel will be required.

Established in 1999, Baltic Development Forum (BDF) is a think-tank and network for high-level decision makers from business, politics, academia and media in the Baltic Sea Region. BDF brings together actors across sectors, borders, regions, and levels of decision-making to facilitate collaboration, develop regional policy, and advance growth and competitiveness in the Baltic Sea Region. BDF has an international staff based in Copenhagen and works towards a large network in the eleven Baltic Sea Region countries.

The project Baltic TRAM (Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion) seeks to strengthen collaboration between analytical research institutions and business, by establishing structures for cooperation between researchers and companies and linking expertise to concrete industrial needs.

The BSR Stars S3 project seeks to foster international collaboration by creating an integrated innovation ecosystem in the Baltic Sea Region. It will build capacity among innovation actors to apply a transnational approach to smart specialisation strategies (S3 strategies).

We are hoping to welcome our new colleague as soon as possible.


Skills and experience required:

We offer:


Send us your application and CV before 22nd April by email to

For more information about the position, please contact director Flemming Stender by phone: + 45 27 64 80 76 or by email: