News Categories

Final discussions in transport – BSR TransGovernance project comes to a close

in News, Projects

On 3 November the Baltic Development Forum participated at the final conference of the BSR TransGovernance project in Brussels, where the final report and it’s highlights were presented and actively discussed by the attending stakeholders from the whole Baltic Sea Region. See full conference programme. The project started in September 2012 and has lasted for two years. It was operated…

Project at the helm for transport policy discussions in Turku

in News, Projects

During the recent Baltic Sea Days in Turku, Finland, the BSR TransGovernance project was involved in the making of two sessions which dealt with the opportunities of multi-level governance for optimising transport policy frameworks in the Baltic Sea Region. As a back to back event to the BDF Summit and the EU Annual Forum, the BSR TransGovernance arranged the first…

Debating Multi-level Transgovernance in Turku

in BDF Events, News, Projects

In the margins of the 16th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the 5th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region the BSR TransGovernance will get attention among the stakeholders who will join Turku Baltic Sea Days’ events in the beginning of June. BSR TransGovernance project, co-funded by the BSR Programme 2007-2013 and led by the Swedish region…

How can we use the European Transport Corridors to stimulate economic growth?

in BDF Events, News, Projects

The BSR TransGovernance project, funded by the EU Baltic Sea Region Programme, aims at providing models, tools, and approaches to a better alignment of transport policies in the Baltic Sea Region and thereby promote cross-border integration processes. At a workshop in Malmö 31 March 2014, case studies about transport related cross-border governance were discussed. The Öresund Region is seen as…