News Categories

BDF/Top of Digital Europe in Sweden’s EU Strategy Network

in News

On 21st March, the Swedish Agency for Regional & Economic Growth organised a seminar in Stockholm for the Swedish EUSBSR network. 64 representatives from Swedish ministries, national agencies, regional authorities and other stakeholders engaged in the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) took part. Baltic Development Forum/Top of Digital Europe was invited for presentations and…

Workshop on Transnational Digital Collaboration

in BDF Events, News

BDF together with Estonia’s Ministry of Economic Affairs organised a workshop on transnational digital collaboration as part of a conference on Smart Specialisation Strategies in Sandviken, Sweden, 27th May 2016. The conference was organised by CPMR Baltic Sea Commission, PA Innovation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and Region Gävleborg. Smart Specialisation Strategies are tools for regional…

The Swedish Way to a Digital Single Market – Round Table in Stockholm 3 May

in BDF Events, News

On 3rd May, BDF and “Top of Digital Europe” organised the seminar “The Swedish way to a Digital Single Market in the Baltic Sea Region” in Stockholm. The event was co-organised and hosted by Stockholm Business Region, and gathered national policy makers, ICT industry, academia and experts to discuss the digital strengths and challenges of the Baltic Sea Region with…

Energy Efficiency – International Seminar in Kaliningrad | RENSOL

in BDF Events, News, Projects

District Heating in Municipalities | RENSOL Energy management is still a new notion for the Russian government and development of district heating in municipalities is crucial to raise awareness of energy efficiency and possibilities of adapting best available solutions from the neighboring Baltic Sea Region countries in the Kaliningrad region. On January 22, 66 participants gathered in Kaliningrad to discuss Development…

The Nordic ICT Powerhouse conference 15 April, Stockholm

in BDF Events, News

Welcome to “The Nordic ICT Powerhouse”, a conference on regional growth through Nordic/Baltic collaboration, Monday 15 April 2013, 12.00 – 16.30 at Stockholm City Hall, Sweden The Nordic-Baltic region is one of the world’s ICT Powerhouses. How can we further strengthen and utilise this position in a global context? We welcome you to a conference organised by Baltic Development Forum…

Fehmarnbelt Tunnel portal Denmark

Stakeholders join forces to develop the Fehmarnbelt region

in BDF Events, News

Stakeholders of the Fehmarnbelt region are now cooperating to create a new region with a more strongly integrated economy, labor market, tourism, culture and politics. The link that binds it all together is the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, which is the biggest transport infrastructure project in Northern Europe. The cooperation of stakeholders has decided to establish a joint large scale cooperation…

Region Västra Götaland of Sweden new BDF Member

in News

Region Västra Götaland has joined BDF as member. With 1.6 million inhabitants, Västra Götaland in the heart of Scandinavia is one of Sweden’s biggest regions. It is a transport hub, thanks to Scandinavia’s major port in Gothenburg. It is an innovative industrial centre, with special strength in the automotive, life science, IT, textile, food and maritime sectors, and with R&D…

Baltic Year 2011

in News

The Nordic and Baltic countries have, within the framework of the NB cooperation, undertaken to celebrate the 20th anniversary of restoration of diplomatic relations and the regained independence of the Baltic countries. Under the year 2011 different manifestations will be arranged in the capitals of the Nordic and Baltic countries. Celebrations in Sweden The Swedish events go by the name…

ScanBalt Bridge Award

in News

The ScanBalt Bridge Award, a biannual award in life sciences amounting to 25.000 EUR, will be announced and delivered at the BDF Summit 2009 in Stockholm. The Award strives to create a bridge between academia and business, promoting innovation on Top of Europe. Deadline for applications 15 September. A Life Sciences Award Bridging academia and small and medium sized enterprises…

Clean Tech Business Meeting with Swedish Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren

in BDF Events, Debate, News

In order to discuss the creation of a new regional business platform for clean water solutions for the Baltic Sea, Baltic Development Forum invited Swedish Minister for the Environment, Andreas Carlgren and companies in the water sector to an informal round table meeting on 16 April at BDF’s office in Copenhagen. Director Hans Brask introduced the topic by making reference…