News Categories

Green Growth Conference in Riga

in BDF Events, News

BDF, DG Regional Policy, the Interact programme, and Nordic Council of Ministers hosted the conference “Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region” in Riga, Latvia on 5-6 May 2011. Baltic Development Forum, the European Commission, the Interact programme, and Nordic Council of Ministers hosted the conference “Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region” in Riga, Latvia on 5 – 6…

Join our Green Growth Conference in Riga

in BDF Events, News

Registration for our Conference Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region in Riga, Latvia, 5-6 May will close 29 April. The European Commission, the Interact programme, Nordic Council of Ministers and Baltic Development Forum hereby invites you to the conference “Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region”. The conference will be held at Hotel Radisson Blue Daugava in Riga on…

Baltic Development Forum Summit 2010: Reaching new heights!

in News

The 12th Baltic Development Forum Summit is very pleased to come to Vilnius 1-2 June 2010 and to invite our regional network of decision-makers to a true regional “Davos”-gathering. The BDF Summit and Baltic Sea States Summit will coincide, and BDF is very proud to be working closely together with the Lithuanian Government in making Vilnius the meeting place for…

WATERPRAXIS: Improving the status of the Baltic Sea

in News, Projects

Eutrophication is one of the biggest environmental problems of the Baltic Sea. Learn more about a project aiming at eco-efficient and sustainable practices to improve the status of the Baltic Sea. Fostering sustainable practices to improve the status of the Baltic Sea The major restricting actions against Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea are included in River Basin Management Plans (RBMP)…

Going for Green Growth

in News, Publications

Today the European Council is discussing the future growth strategy for Europe, EU2020. BDF presents a regional input with the report Going for Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region. Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region: EU2020 Challenges – Regional Solutions Is it possible to define a common growth strategy “EU2020” for Europe’s 27 member countries? Can one common…

State of the Region Report 2010

in News, Projects

The 2010 edition of the annual State of the Region Report will be released at the BDF Summit in Vilnius. It is co-sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the European Investment Bank. The 2010 edition of the annual State of the Region Report will be released at the Baltic Development Forum (BDF) Summit in Vilnius. Dr. Christian Ketels…

BDF at the Baltic Sea Action Summit in Helsinki

in News

In Helsinki the Baltic Sea was given a helping hand when the political leadership – Heads of State and Governments around the Baltic Sea – made the strongest political commitment so far to save the polluted Sea. Focus was on action. Time is for implementation, Matti Vanhanen, the Finnish Prime Minister said: – “tomorrow is the most important day –…

Sustainable energy report is published

in News, Publications

Energy Perspectives for the Kaliningrad Region as an Integrated Part of the Baltic Sea Region. [quote] Russia is a crucial energy supplier for the EU countries in the region. As Russia is the world’s largest energy exporter, the EU countries are dependent on Russia as a reliable energy supplier, not least when it comes to natural gas. Hence, Russia is…

Baltic Sea Region is ready to promote cooperation and lead the way

in News

Heinrich Böll Foundation organised a Dinner Debate in Copenhagen in parallel with the COP 15: Baltic Development Forum was invited as speaker to present regional energy study.   13 December 2009, Baltic Development Forum’s Director Hans Brask was invited by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (the Green Political Foundation) as speaker to a High-Level Dinner Debate on Regional Approaches to reduce…