News Categories

BDF Summit Session: New Business Models for Sustainability

in BDF Events, News

The session ”New business models for sustainability” at the 19th BDF Summit shed light on the latest developments in the application of sustainable business models. The debate was kicked-off by Dr. Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Senior Research Associate from University of Hamburg, who provided a definition of the concept of sustainable business model in general and green business models in particular. He…

New Project Puts a Price on Companies’ Environmental Footprint

in News, Projects

More companies want to understand their consumption of natural resources and their environmental and climate footprint: not just to display responsibility, but also to assure their survival. BDF is partner in a project which develops tools for companies’ natural capital accounting to meet the growing demand.   It takes a huge amount of water to produce clothes. For example, the…

BDF moderated conference on sustainable aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region – AQUAFIMA and Aquabest joint final event

in Debate, News

Lovisa Selander, Head of Water and Environmental Affairs, was the moderator of the joint final conference of the projects AQUAFIMA and Aquabest, held in Mariehamn, Åland Islands on the 5 and 6 February 2014. Under the heading “Sustainable aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region – boosting regional development while limiting environmental effects”, the 120 participants from research institutions, policy making,…

Energy Efficiency – International Seminar in Kaliningrad | RENSOL

in BDF Events, News, Projects

District Heating in Municipalities | RENSOL Energy management is still a new notion for the Russian government and development of district heating in municipalities is crucial to raise awareness of energy efficiency and possibilities of adapting best available solutions from the neighboring Baltic Sea Region countries in the Kaliningrad region. On January 22, 66 participants gathered in Kaliningrad to discuss Development…

EU project – Rensol presented at the 8th Energy Forum in Sopot

in Debate, News, Projects

Decentralised government levels are keeping the energy efficiency agenda high on the agenda On behalf of Rensol ( EU financed project) Hans Brask, Director of the Baltic Development Forum, participated in the 8th Energy Forum 16-18 December 2013 in Sopot just outside Gdansk in Poland – the Polish neighbouring region of Kaliningrad.  Please find more information about the Conference on Energy Forum’s…

The Baltic Sea Conference 2013 Report is now available

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The “Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries”, held in Copenhagen on 3 October 2013, brought together high-level participants from the European Commission and Danish government, and actors from throughout the Baltic Sea Region – from different sectors and levels of decision making – in order to chart the way forward for an environmentally sound and…

Thank you for a successful Baltic Sea Conference 2013

in BDF Events, News

The “Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries” successfully gathered 300 participants in Copenhagen on 3 October, to engage in inspiring discussions on how to create a Baltic Sea Region which is both sustainable and prosperous and puts the blue and green economies in focus. Coming from the private sector, the European Commission, NGOs, international financing…