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New ‘State of the Digital Region 2017’ Online Now

in News, Press, Projects, Publications

Download here   The future is not jobless, but learning intensive Top of Digital Europe, ICT think tank for the Baltic Sea Region, has today released State of the Digital Region 2017: Exploring Automation, Education and Learning in the Baltic Sea Region. The report is the region’s most comprehensive overview of how the countries in the BSR, often ranked as…

How can cities work with digital start-ups and digitalization?

in BDF Events, Debate, News

On 25 October BDF organized a workshop together with Union of Baltic Cities (UBC) at the UBC Annual Conference in Växjö, Sweden. The aim was to inspire cities in their work with start-up communities and digitalisation and to inspire new city-to-city collaborations across borders. The State of the Digital Region 2016 report from Top of Digital Europe set the stage with…

BDF’s State of the Digital Region Report at Nordic-Baltic Ministerial Conference

in Debate, News, Publications

On 25th April, the State of the Digital Region Report “Cities connecting the digital economy in the Baltic Sea Region” was presented by co-author Prof. Martin Andersson in the opening session of the  Digital North conference. This first Nordic-Baltic ministerial conference on digitalization was organized in Oslo by Nordic Cooperation and the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government & Modernisation. Martin…

Connecting Digital Start-Up Ecosystems: Workshop in Turku

in BDF Events, News

How can medium sized cities interact across borders to boost an integrated digital labor market? How can cities improve the growth potential of their startup scenes by structured cross-border collaboration? What is the interest and potential for sharing resources, benchmark outcomes and promote joint networks? These are some of the questions addressed in a small pilot project “Connecting Digital Start-up…

BDF/Top of Digital Europe in Sweden’s EU Strategy Network

in News

On 21st March, the Swedish Agency for Regional & Economic Growth organised a seminar in Stockholm for the Swedish EUSBSR network. 64 representatives from Swedish ministries, national agencies, regional authorities and other stakeholders engaged in the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) took part. Baltic Development Forum/Top of Digital Europe was invited for presentations and…

18th Baltic Development Forum Summit: State of the Region Report Launches

in BDF Events, News, Publications

During the 18th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the 7th Strategy Forum for the EUSBSR, BDF launched three new “State of the Region Reports” providing an economic and political outlook for the region and analyzing the perspectives for regional cooperation. The 18th BDF Summit explored the potential for growth, innovation and competitiveness in the current changing political and economic environment,…