News Categories

Baltic Business Arena, Stockholm

in News

16-17 June, Baltic Development Forum participated in the first Baltic Business Arena, that was held in Stockholm. The event took place in connection with the 56th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) at the recently inagurated Stockholm Waterfront Congress Center. Baltic Business Arena was a matchmaking event for small and medium sized enterprises (SME) from the Baltic Sea Region and…

Danish EU BSR Strategy Seminar Summary

in BDF Events, News

A Summary of the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy Seminar for Danish stakeholders that was held 23 September is available. Download a Summary of the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy Seminar for Danish stakeholders that took place in Copenhagen 23 September 2010: EU Strategien for Østersøregionen, Europa 2020 og Grøn Vækst, Seminar om danske prioriteringer og indsatsområder, Opsummering og konklusioner…

Doing Business in Poland

in News

Today the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce, based in Warsaw, opens an office in Malmö for the Øresund region. Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce Representation in Øresund Region On September 1st, the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (SPCC) opens an office in the Øresund region. The office is located to Malmö, Sweden, and is headed by Lars E Svensson who has many years…

Danish seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Europe 2020 and Green Growth

in BDF Events, News

Seminar on the Danish priorities and action areas, 23rd of September 2010, 8.30-13.00, Langelinie Allé 17, København Ø. Denmark has assumed considerable responsibility for implementing the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region, which may become a new framework for European and regional integration, but how far have we reached with implementation of the strategy? How can it be used…

Danish Stakeholder Seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News

Today Baltic Development Forum carried out a seminar in Copenhagen on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its possible Danish interest areas.   The seminar was organized by BDF in close cooperation with Danish Regions, the European Commission representation in Denmark, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. For a press release in Danish on the…

BDF Energy and Climate Seminar with CBSS Foreign Ministers

in BDF Events, News

In connection with the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Ministerial meeting in Elsinore, Denmark, BDF organised a high-level seminar on energy and climate on June 4th as part of the meeting. The seminar on different energy scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region attracted different stakeholders from the private and public sector: International organisations, including Baltic Sea Region Energy…

Talents on Top of Europe, Berlin

in BDF Events, News

The unique cooperation model used in the political field by the countries around the Baltic Sea needs to be extended to the public-private sector in order to increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of the Baltic Sea Region. This was one of the main conclusions reached by the leading representatives from business, government and research within the ICT and Life-Science at…