News Categories

Financing the Future of Energy Efficiency Outcome

in BDF Events, Debate, News

Welcomed by Baltic Development Forum in collaboration with the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, over 70 participants gathered to discuss the Financing the Future of Energy Efficiency in Riga this month. The seminar’s objective was clear – to provide a platform for cross border dialogue between business representatives, local…

Riga Round Table Addressed Key Regional Challenges

in BDF Events, News

On 19 April, Baltic Development together with the Konrad-Adenauer Foundations’ regional office to the Nordic States in cooperation, had the pleasure of organizing a round table discussion in Riga, Latvia. The event provided an opportunity for an informal exchange of views on the key challenges in the Baltic Sea Region and a joint discussion on possible regional responses. Among the…

Top of Digital Europe at the Finance IT Day Baltic

in Debate, News

As a key note speaker in the morning session, Flemming Stender, Director of Baltic Development Forum (BDF), highlighted the need for more regional cooperation among the Nordic and Baltic countries in order to develop world-leading cross-border digital solutions in finance and turn them into growth enablers for the region. He underlined the huge economic potential for implementation of the digital…

Political State of the Region Report 2013

in News, Publications

The 2013 Political State of the Region Report “Trends and Directions in the Baltic Sea Region” is a fresh take on answering amongst other things the question of: In what state is the Baltic Sea region (BSR) in 2013? What are the current challenges and opportunities? What are the current priorities of its countries? How has the EU Strategy for…

Call for Nominations – BSR Innovation Award 2013

in News

BSR Innovation Award 2013 The Baltic Development Forum and BSR Stars are happy to announce the Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award. The aim of the award is to highlight the importance of innovation and is also a recognition of the fact that the Baltic Sea Region countries are among the most innovative economies in the world. The award goes to…

Welcome to Riga!

in Debate, News

The Baltic Development Forum Summit is very pleased to return to Riga, 10 years after the first BDF Summit in the Latvian capital. With the return to Riga, BDF embarks on a new tour de metropolis around the Baltic Sea – a tour which has been completed over the past 15 years. We begin this new journey optimistically as the…

The Rīga Conference 2011, September 16-17

in News, Publications

The Rīga Conference is one of the leading foreign and security policy forums in Northern Europe for world renowned political, intellectual and business leaders to gather and debate on the most acute challenges of the current international agenda. This year the Conference will take place 16-17 September with the aim to provide another round of discussions on an international intellectual…