News Categories

New Project Puts a Price on Companies’ Environmental Footprint

in News, Projects

More companies want to understand their consumption of natural resources and their environmental and climate footprint: not just to display responsibility, but also to assure their survival. BDF is partner in a project which develops tools for companies’ natural capital accounting to meet the growing demand.   It takes a huge amount of water to produce clothes. For example, the…

Project kick-off for Baltic TRAM

in News, Projects

On 7-8 March in Zeuthen/Berlin, the international project Baltic TRAM (Transnational Research in the Macroregion) held it’s kick-off, marking the start of a wide range of activities to be implemented throughout the Baltic Sea Region over the next three years. The meeting gathered 16 project partners, associated organisations and guests from the region and beyond. Through good and constructive discussions,…

Kickoff Kaliningrad 5

Energy Efficient Lighting and Housing in Kaliningrad

in News, Projects

An international energy project, called RENSOL, will be soon implemented in Kaliningrad oblast and it will bring improvements of what has been already initiated on the environmental front. The project’s focus is primarily on energy efficient lightning and housing. A concrete building in one of the municipalities of the Kaliningrad region as well as public lightning sites will be chosen…

Kaliningrad Project Banner

BDF Wins EU Project on Energy Efficiency in Kaliningrad

in News, Projects

Baltic Development Forum has become Lead Partner of an EU Project within the framework of the Northern Dimension Policy concerning energy and the Russian region Kaliningrad. The title of the Project is Energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast. Six partners are involved: Lappeenranta University of Technology/Northern Dimension Institute, Finland, the Municipality of Oskarshamn, Sweden / Union of…