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BDF/Top of Digital Europe in Sweden’s EU Strategy Network

in News

On 21st March, the Swedish Agency for Regional & Economic Growth organised a seminar in Stockholm for the Swedish EUSBSR network. 64 representatives from Swedish ministries, national agencies, regional authorities and other stakeholders engaged in the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) took part. Baltic Development Forum/Top of Digital Europe was invited for presentations and…

Transnational Innovation and Digitalisation: Policy Papers and Strategy Guide

in News, Publications

We are pleased to share with you the Strategy Guide 2016 – 2020. This publication provides guidance on how to boost innovation in the context of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Region (EUSBSR). Achieving innovation in the Baltic Sea Region is essentially about intelligently combining the regional strengths, competences and stakeholders. The aim of this strategy guide is to…

Workshop on Transnational Digital Collaboration

in BDF Events, News

BDF together with Estonia’s Ministry of Economic Affairs organised a workshop on transnational digital collaboration as part of a conference on Smart Specialisation Strategies in Sandviken, Sweden, 27th May 2016. The conference was organised by CPMR Baltic Sea Commission, PA Innovation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and Region Gävleborg. Smart Specialisation Strategies are tools for regional…

Top of Digital Europe Hosted Round Tables in Finland and Estonia

in BDF Events, News

BDF and “Top of Digital Europe” was the co-organiser of an ICT Business Round Table in Helsinki on 12 Jan 2016, organized and hosted by Microsoft Finland. Participants were specially invited Finnish parliamentarians, policy makers and ICT industry. The topic for discussion was the potential for a digital single market of the Baltic Sea region: Could this region develop a…