News Categories

Join us for the ONE BSR Final Meeting in Helsinki

in News, Projects

On 4 September, partners and stakeholders, from all around the Baltic Sea, will get together for a final meeting of the ONE BSR project. After two years of intense cooperation throughout the Baltic Sea Region, the final meeting’s participants will look at project’s results and discussions will focus on success stories and shared challenges within the region. Key Messages The ONE BSR final meeting puts three…

Baltic Sea Region – a region of opportunities

in News, Projects

ONE BSR  – ten nations, thousands of stories ONE BSR –  a flagship project within the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Programme and the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is approaching its final phase. Launched in 2012, project’s aim has been to produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region image and identity, contributing to joint promotion of the region….

Call for New Bloggers from the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

Ten nations and over 60 stories already – but much more to come The ONE Baltic Sea Region bloggers have shared stories from their daily lives since March 2013. Eleven bloggers have been posting about specialties and quirks from their respective nations. Their blogs are posted on the One BSR website and also on newsWave, the Baltic Sea Region news…

Idea Market in Tallinn 27-28 September

in BDF Events, News, Projects

An international IdeaMarket, hosted by Tallinn Incubator, took place on the 27th and 28th of September in Tallinn that was targeted at the young and ambitious, at business people and creative personalities. The ONE BSR project along with Baltic Development Forum (BDF) took part. The aim was to provide inspiration, international networking and product development. The focus for day one, 27 September, was…