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BDF Wins EU Project on Energy Efficiency in Kaliningrad

in News, Projects

Baltic Development Forum has become Lead Partner of an EU Project within the framework of the Northern Dimension Policy concerning energy and the Russian region Kaliningrad. The title of the Project is Energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast. Six partners are involved: Lappeenranta University of Technology/Northern Dimension Institute, Finland, the Municipality of Oskarshamn, Sweden / Union of…

EU Northern Dimension at BDF Summit

in News

Doing business with and investing in Russia – check out this new session on the Northern Dimension in the BDF Summit Programme. Session on business with Russia For the first time will a special session on the EU Northern Dimension be included at a BDF Summit: The session is titled The Northern Dimension and the Baltic Sea Region: cooperation on…

Northern Dimension Business Council – a new platform for dialogue with Russian business

in News

When regional initiatives come from Russian partners – and even from Russian business community in our region – everyone should pay attention. The new Northern Dimension Business Council (NDBC) has been established and two co-chairmen have been appointed: Mr. Tapio Kuula (CEO of Fortum) and Mr. Alexey Mordashov (CEO of Severstal). BDF welcomes strongly this new initiative. The two co-chairmen…

Northern Dimension Forum

in News

At the First Northern Dimension Forum, held in St. Petersburg 13-14 May, the BDF Director Hans Brask called for greater efforts to enhance the integration in the Baltic Sea Region. “Positive neighborhood effects on competitiveness and economic growth have to be earned. They do not come automatically, director Brask underlined in his message.” “It requires positive involvement and co-operation with…