News Categories

Baltic Sea Region – a region of opportunities

in News, Projects

ONE BSR  – ten nations, thousands of stories ONE BSR –  a flagship project within the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Programme and the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is approaching its final phase. Launched in 2012, project’s aim has been to produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region image and identity, contributing to joint promotion of the region….

Call for New Bloggers from the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

Ten nations and over 60 stories already – but much more to come The ONE Baltic Sea Region bloggers have shared stories from their daily lives since March 2013. Eleven bloggers have been posting about specialties and quirks from their respective nations. Their blogs are posted on the One BSR website and also on newsWave, the Baltic Sea Region news…

Idea Market in Tallinn 27-28 September

in BDF Events, News, Projects

An international IdeaMarket, hosted by Tallinn Incubator, took place on the 27th and 28th of September in Tallinn that was targeted at the young and ambitious, at business people and creative personalities. The ONE BSR project along with Baltic Development Forum (BDF) took part. The aim was to provide inspiration, international networking and product development. The focus for day one, 27 September, was…

Trip around the Baltic Sea on NewsWave

in News, Projects

From the 23rd to the 28th September, six ONE BSR bloggers were taking part in a trip around the Baltic Sea. Together, they got the opportunity to explore three major cities of the Baltic Sea Region: Warsaw, Helsinki and Tallinn. During the trip, they were reporting live on twitter and Facebook, sharing their impressions and thoughts, exchanging ideas and getting to know…

ONE BSR Meeting News

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On the 10-11 September in Copenhagen, at the beautiful premises of Eigtveds Pakhus, the ONE BSR project partners met for the third time, kindly hosted by Invest in Denmark. ONE BSR project’s overall goal is to, through joint efforts, produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region’s brand and identity, to strengthen competitiveness of the region by branding it as one…

ONE Baltic Sea Region (ONE BSR): Baltic Metropoles Accelerating the Branding and Identity Building of the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

We would like to warmly welcome you to join the third ONE BSR meeting and learn about the activities and meet the experts of the European Union Baltic Sea Strategy flagship project. During the meeting current challenges related to talent retention, investment promotion and tourism attraction to the region will be discussed. The meeting will take place in Copenhagen at…

ONE BSR – Searching for the identity of Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

Baltic Sea Region is the second most popular cruise destination in the world, right after the Caribbean. It may become even more popular if branded and promoted as one unity. Seventeen cities and institutions from around Baltic Sea have now joined their forces to search for ideas and images for a common identity. In the ONE Baltic Sea Region (ONE…

newsWave website opened by Danish Minister for European Affairs

in News, Projects

“In my opinion, newsWave stands a good chance of becoming defining factor in developing a “we-feeling” in the Baltic region. I welcome your “new wave”. And I congratulate you on the launch of newsWave,” said Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen at the BDF winter reception 26 February launching newsWave. (Photo: Hasse Ferrold) “I am very pleased to be with…

BDF ”chief editor” of a macro-regional news website in the Baltic Sea Area

in News, Projects

Get your Baltic Sea Region news on BDF edited The overall objective of the website – called “newsWave” – is to improve information exchange and the cross-border communication between the countries of the region. Under the umbrella of the EU-financed ONE BSR project Baltic Development Forum will use innovative communication as a means to increase understanding and prosperity. The…