News Categories

How can cities work with digital start-ups and digitalization?

in BDF Events, Debate, News

On 25 October BDF organized a workshop together with Union of Baltic Cities (UBC) at the UBC Annual Conference in Växjö, Sweden. The aim was to inspire cities in their work with start-up communities and digitalisation and to inspire new city-to-city collaborations across borders. The State of the Digital Region 2016 report from Top of Digital Europe set the stage with…

Nordic-Baltic Dynamics, 26-27th October in Stockholm

in BDF Events, News, Press, Projects

Baltic Development Forum is one of the partners for the conference “Nordic-Baltic Dynamics” Don´t miss out the biggest innovation promoters conference in the region! Nordic-Baltic Dynamics (NBD) conference keynote speaker Victor Galaz says that every business owner should constantly renew and rethink what they do, to be able to stay in the frontier like Madonna does in the music industry….

Sharing Test and Demonstration Infrastructures – an opportunity for Smart Specialisation, Tampere 6 April

in BDF Events, News, Projects

As part of the project BSR Stars S3, BDF and Nordic Council of Ministers organised a workshop on the 6th of April in Tampere, Finland. The event brought together 32 representatives for technology providers, business development agencies, policymakers and SME’s in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Germany and Lithuania to discusse the interest and potentials for a broader access to…

State of the Region: Seminar in Copenhagen 6 February

in BDF Events, News

BDF invites to an afternoon event to share the latest findings from the State of the Region Report, looking closer at how the Baltic Sea Region is doing in terms of competitiveness and innovation. The region´s economic performance continues to be solid and prosperity continues to grow across the Baltic Sea Region. Low interest rates however raise concerns about the…

Research and Business: Need for Concrete Actions

in BDF Events, Debate, News

On 9th November 2016 in Stockholm, the project BalticTRAM hosted the session Achieving knowledge-driven innovation and growth in the Baltic Sea Region. The discussions addressed research-industry collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region: how to unlock the innovation potential of the research infrastructures, how to strengthen links between science and concrete industry needs, how public and private sectors in the region…

Timely Need to Intensify Scientific and Industrial Collaboration

in BDF Events, Debate, News, Projects

On 22nd September, Baltic Development Forum and Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) organised a panel discussion “Northern European Excellence and Innovation Cluster” in Hamburg. The debate was initiated and hosted by the project BalticTRAM (Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion) and arranged in conjunction with the Fehmarnbelt Days 2016, a regional platform for the stakeholders from the emerging Fehmarnbelt Region and…

Transnational Innovation and Digitalisation: Policy Papers and Strategy Guide

in News, Publications

We are pleased to share with you the Strategy Guide 2016 – 2020. This publication provides guidance on how to boost innovation in the context of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Region (EUSBSR). Achieving innovation in the Baltic Sea Region is essentially about intelligently combining the regional strengths, competences and stakeholders. The aim of this strategy guide is to…

Call for Nominations – BSR Innovation Award 2013

in News

BSR Innovation Award 2013 The Baltic Development Forum and BSR Stars are happy to announce the Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award. The aim of the award is to highlight the importance of innovation and is also a recognition of the fact that the Baltic Sea Region countries are among the most innovative economies in the world. The award goes to…

EUR 100 million Baltic Innovation Fund is launched to benefit SMEs

in News

A new and innovative investment initiative dedicated to boosting equity investments made into Baltic enterprises has now been launched by the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The Baltic Innovation Fund will invest EUR 100 million into private equity and venture capital funds focussed on the Baltic States over the next four years through a ‘fund of funds’…