News Categories

New Report on identity is out!

in News, Publications

During the one-day networking conference on “The Baltic Sea Region identity, branding and Communications” on 9 December in Helsinki, Finland, a new report “Facets of Identity?” was unveiled and served as the basis for discussion on the topic of identity by a panel consisting of representatives from the fields of branding, culture and communication as well as authors of the…

The Baltic Sea Region Identity, Branding and Communication

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Monday 9 December 2013 – City Hall of Helsinki, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13, Helsinki, Finland The countries and regions around the Baltic Sea Region have come closer during recent years. Is it only due to a community of interests or do we share more than that – values, norms and a “we-feeling”? If so, is it possible to boost joint promotion and regional identity…

‘We need to invest in a European identity’

in Debate, News

Like the ongoing debate on branding and identity in the Baltic Sea Region, top officials are saying that is a necessity to invest in a broader European identity albeit it is a touchy subject. Read this article from EUobserver: By Honor Mahony, EUobserver. 30.03.12 @ 18:03 BRUSSELS – The European Parliament is trying to cultivate a “European identity,” with top officials saying…

An answer to the Bernd Henningsen report on identity

in Debate, News

Don´t try to stop the discussion about a common identity for the Baltic Sea region. Keep on amplifying the dialogues and involving everyone from students to elderly people. That´s a sincere call from Prof. Jörg Häckmann, University of Szczecin, who opposes the report of Prof. Dr. Bernd Henningsen. “The report leaves the reader confused as to whether there is a…

A common identity – “The Emperor´s New Clothes”

in Debate, News

Cutting through 20 years of discussions of constructing a common identity to build a macro-region in the Baltic Sea Region the honorable Prof. Dr. Bernd Henningsen, Humboldt University, Berlin, in an essay, has concluded: There is no common identity: “Just as in the “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, Baltic Sea identity is paraded through the streets under a protective cover –…

Branding the Baltic Sea Region – In between Global and European Trends

in Debate, News

The idea to build a brand for the Baltic Sea Region has been around for some time now. In this article, published in a special edition of KULTURHAUS BERLIN’s newsletter marking the 20-year celebration of the Council of Baltic Sea States, Hans Brask and Marcus Andersson discuss challenges and opportunities with regard to the branding of the region. After the…

SoRR 2011 16x9 format

New BDF Reports

in News, Publications

Four new BDF Reports were presented at the Summit in Gdansk.  Here you can read more about their content and download the reports in pdf-format (at bottom of page). State of the Region Report 2011 “The Baltic Sea Region has come out of the first phase of the global economic and financial crisis better than most of its peers”. This…

Branding the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Publications

A draft report on the marketing of the Baltic Sea Region and its countries and cities will be presented in connection with the BDF summit in Vilnius. The purpose of this draft report is to map existing organizations, networks, projects and activities that are geared towards marketing the Baltic Sea Region, or considerable parts of it. The overall objective is…

Branding – Just Do it!

in BDF Events, News, Publications

On the 21st-23rd of May 2007 the fifth Branding the Baltic Sea Region activity, arranged by Baltic Development Forum and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, took place under the best possible conditions at Timmendorfer Strand, Germany. Baltic Development Forum has initiated Branding the Baltic Sea Region-process to fully unlock, develop and communicate the potential of the people, companies, organisations and institutions of…