News Categories

BDF Strategy 2010

in News

Following a meeting of the BDF Board, an agreement has been reached on BDF’s role and activities in the Region during this year. Here is a short version of the BDF Strategy 2010.   Baltic Development Forum 2010 Strategy Working with Regional Presidencies on Project Implementation and Economic Recovery   With the adoption of the EU strategy for the Baltic…

Baltic Development Forum cooperates with Copenhagen Economics on how to create jobs and growth in Baltic Sea Region

in News

Baltic Development Forum cooperates with Copenhagen Economics on how to create jobs and growth in Baltic Sea Region. The outcome will be presented at the 2010 BDF Summit in Vilnius 1-2 June. As part of the Baltic Development Forum’s cooperation with this year’s Summit Sponsor, the Industry Foundation a contract has been signed with the consultancy company Copenhagen Economics. The…

The BCCA Policy Forecast Report

in News, Publications

The Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce Association presented results of a survey of the participants of the Baltic Development Forum Summit 2009. According to the BCCA “Policy for Growth” report, policy forecast survey is an attempt to profit from the distributed expertise gathered among the participants at the BDF Summit 2009. The BCCA asked Summit participants to grade the importance…

Conclusions Almedalen

in BDF Events, Debate, News

Outlining Basic Principles for the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy During the two-day seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, arranged by Sida’s Baltic Sea Unit and Baltic Development Forum at the Almedalen “Political Week” in Gotland, Sweden, some 56 speakers and more than 400 participants debated the goals and practicalities of the European Strategy for the…