News Categories

Business and Energy Efficiency financing solutions in Kaliningrad – Rensol Project

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Availability and applicability of Business and Energy Efficiency financing solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast and North-West Russia. Baltic Sea Region experience.  The seminar ” Finances – Authorities- Business”, that took place 11-12 March in Kaliningrad, addressed different financial mechanisms available for municipal and private initiatives when working with Projects in Energy Efficiency field . It was a jointly organised event by the Information office of the Nordic…

BDF Strategy 2013

in News

How can BDF’s activities in 2013 contribute to the overall objective of BDF in making the BSR the most dynamic and, innovative centre of economic growth in the World? The board of Baltic Development Forum (BDF) met end February 2013 and adopted BDF’s strategy and priorities for 2013. They offer BDF the ability to stay in close contact with different…

Kaliningrad Project Banner

BDF Wins EU Project on Energy Efficiency in Kaliningrad

in News, Projects

Baltic Development Forum has become Lead Partner of an EU Project within the framework of the Northern Dimension Policy concerning energy and the Russian region Kaliningrad. The title of the Project is Energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast. Six partners are involved: Lappeenranta University of Technology/Northern Dimension Institute, Finland, the Municipality of Oskarshamn, Sweden / Union of…

Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award – New Deadline 7 October

in News

The BSR Stars project and Baltic Development Forum are happy to announce the Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award and call for the entry of nominations. The aim of the award is to highlight the importance of innovation in a Baltic Sea Region context by rewarding an organisation, team, project or network that have contributed to the innovative development of the…

20 Years Anniversary of Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, Helsinki 28–30 August 2011

in News

The Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC) celebrates this year its 20 years anniversary during the General Assembly 28-30 August 2011 in Helsinki. The BSPC meets at the premises of the Finnish Parliament – the Eduskunta – where is also met for the first time in January 1991. Over the years, BSPC has played an important role in re-establishing political contacts…

Green Growth Conference in Riga

in BDF Events, News

BDF, DG Regional Policy, the Interact programme, and Nordic Council of Ministers hosted the conference “Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region” in Riga, Latvia on 5-6 May 2011. Baltic Development Forum, the European Commission, the Interact programme, and Nordic Council of Ministers hosted the conference “Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region” in Riga, Latvia on 5 – 6…

Going for Green Growth

in News, Publications

Today the European Council is discussing the future growth strategy for Europe, EU2020. BDF presents a regional input with the report Going for Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region. Green Growth in the Baltic Sea Region: EU2020 Challenges – Regional Solutions Is it possible to define a common growth strategy “EU2020” for Europe’s 27 member countries? Can one common…