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Investment Report 2011 16x9 format

The Baltic Sea Region could attract more investments and increase export with joint efforts

in Debate, News, Publications

As the last years’ State of the Region reports have shown, the global share of foreign direct investments (FDI) inflows that come to the Baltic Sea Region is falling, a process that is slowly eroding the Region’s share of global inward FDI stock and increasing the challenge of marketing the Region as an attractive FDI destination in an increasingly crowded…

Hans Skov Christensen

Baltic Regions: We cannot wait

in Debate, News

“The support and reinforcement of the EU’s growth agenda has to come from the regions in Northern Europe – like the Baltic Sea Region”, Hans Skov Christensen, vice chairman of the Baltic Development Forum (BDF), said at conference today in Szczecin, Poland. “It is obvious that a growth oriented agenda is needed”, he said. “We cannot wait until problems of…

BDF Summit 2011 Website

in News

This year’s BDF Summit is organised in close cooperation with the EU Commission’s Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Therefore we have made a joint website with all information related to the event: Here we update information about programme, speakers, social activities, project and networking village activities, hotels etc. on a daily basis up…

Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award

in News

The BSR Stars project and Baltic Development Forum are happy to announce the Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award and call for the entry of nominations. The aim of the award is to highlight the importance of innovation in a Baltic Sea Region context by rewarding an organisation, team, project or network that have contributed to the innovative development of the…

Baltic Sea Macro-region progress and EU strategy

in News

The Baltic Sea Macro-region is progressing well although the EU strategy has some infancy illnesses. This is one of the conclusions of the BDF seminar in Stockholm last week. One problem is that the private sector needs to be more involved. Vice-chairman of BDF, Stephan Müchler who is also chairman of Baltic Chamber of Commerce Association (BCCA) demanded a business…

BDF Welcomes the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in Debate, News

Today the European Commission presents its proposal for an EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. BDF warmly welcomes the Strategy that rise high expectation for a deeper integration of the Region. Chairman of Baltic Development Forum, Uffe Ellemann-Jensen states that “this EU Strategy embodies the vision for a more prosperous, competitive and cleaner Baltic Sea Region that has continuously…

Danish Stakeholder Seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News

Today Baltic Development Forum carried out a seminar in Copenhagen on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its possible Danish interest areas.   The seminar was organized by BDF in close cooperation with Danish Regions, the European Commission representation in Denmark, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. For a press release in Danish on the…

BDF offers Summits as Venue for Progress Reporting on EU Strategy

in Debate, News

BDF Chairman proposes to Danuta Hübner, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, that BDF’s Summits become a yearly venue for discussing progress and update on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. At a meeting with EU Commissioner Danuta Hübner’s cabinet 29 April, Director Hans Brask handed over a letter from BDF Chairman Uffe Ellemann-Jensen proposing “that the BDF’s Summit…

Report Warsaw Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The conference on “The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness” held on 3 June 2009 in Radisson SAS Hotel in Warsaw was organised jointly by demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, Swedish Embassy in Warsaw, the Office of the Committee for European Integration, the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Baltic Development…

Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness

in BDF Events, News, Publications

BDF was one of the organizers of a Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region held in Warsaw on June 3rd titled “Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness”. Specially invited speakers were the Polish Ministers Piotr Serafin and Michał Boni, the Speaker of the Swedish Riksdag Mr. Per Westerberg and the CEO of Pekao SA Mr….