News Categories

BDF/Top of Digital Europe in Sweden’s EU Strategy Network

in News

On 21st March, the Swedish Agency for Regional & Economic Growth organised a seminar in Stockholm for the Swedish EUSBSR network. 64 representatives from Swedish ministries, national agencies, regional authorities and other stakeholders engaged in the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) took part. Baltic Development Forum/Top of Digital Europe was invited for presentations and…

Transnational Innovation and Digitalisation: Policy Papers and Strategy Guide

in News, Publications

We are pleased to share with you the Strategy Guide 2016 – 2020. This publication provides guidance on how to boost innovation in the context of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Region (EUSBSR). Achieving innovation in the Baltic Sea Region is essentially about intelligently combining the regional strengths, competences and stakeholders. The aim of this strategy guide is to…

Top of Digital Europe Hosted Round Tables in Finland and Estonia

in BDF Events, News

BDF and “Top of Digital Europe” was the co-organiser of an ICT Business Round Table in Helsinki on 12 Jan 2016, organized and hosted by Microsoft Finland. Participants were specially invited Finnish parliamentarians, policy makers and ICT industry. The topic for discussion was the potential for a digital single market of the Baltic Sea region: Could this region develop a…

Final discussions in transport – BSR TransGovernance project comes to a close

in News, Projects

On 3 November the Baltic Development Forum participated at the final conference of the BSR TransGovernance project in Brussels, where the final report and it’s highlights were presented and actively discussed by the attending stakeholders from the whole Baltic Sea Region. See full conference programme. The project started in September 2012 and has lasted for two years. It was operated…

Martin Lidegaard: The Rising Importance of the Baltic Sea Region – Article in Baltic Rim Economies issue 4/2010

in Debate, News

The Baltic region is unique in many respects. It shares many commonalities. History, culture, economic development and not least economic potential are but a few examples. The Baltic Sea area is a region with immense potential. And the EU membership of Poland and the Baltic states has given the area more clout. We work together, trade together and share a…

New Report on identity is out!

in News, Publications

During the one-day networking conference on “The Baltic Sea Region identity, branding and Communications” on 9 December in Helsinki, Finland, a new report “Facets of Identity?” was unveiled and served as the basis for discussion on the topic of identity by a panel consisting of representatives from the fields of branding, culture and communication as well as authors of the…

newsWave website opened by Danish Minister for European Affairs

in News, Projects

“In my opinion, newsWave stands a good chance of becoming defining factor in developing a “we-feeling” in the Baltic region. I welcome your “new wave”. And I congratulate you on the launch of newsWave,” said Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen at the BDF winter reception 26 February launching newsWave. (Photo: Hasse Ferrold) “I am very pleased to be with…

The European Council endorses the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in News

The council has endorsed the revised Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and thereby given the green light to a long row of very important issues for the regional cooperation work. For instant it has agreed to the objective “Save the Sea”, supporting the various efforts to obtain good environmental status of and biodiversity in the sea. Agreed to the objective…

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: have your say!

in News

The European Commission is inviting comments on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). The EUSBSR was launched in 2009.  It aims to make the Baltic Sea Region cleaner, more connected and more prosperous. The Strategy is a pilot initiative where the Macro-regional concept is tried and tested in a specific geographic area. The EUSBSR was followed by…