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Baltic Cleantech Testbeds kick off

in News, Projects

Baltic Development Forum together with Lappeentanta University of Technology, Riga Energy Agency and Tartu Regional Energy Agency kicked off discussions within the initiative Baltic Cleantech Testbeds, co-financed by the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. Inspired by the Finnish partners, the project aims at developing a regional proposal based on three main objectives: Better incorporation of new digital solutions into…

Speed up a Baltic Sea Region digital single market!

in News, Projects

DIGINNO: New project on transnational learning of digitalisation   21 ministries, ICT business associations and knowledge institutions from 9 BSR countries are gathered in a partnership to explore how to enable faster and more efficient uptake of digital solutions both in the public and private sectors. The project will explore how to tackle joint challenges through benchmarking, information sharing, exchange of…