News Categories

BDF’s State of the Digital Region Report at Nordic-Baltic Ministerial Conference

in Debate, News, Publications

On 25th April, the State of the Digital Region Report “Cities connecting the digital economy in the Baltic Sea Region” was presented by co-author Prof. Martin Andersson in the opening session of the  Digital North conference. This first Nordic-Baltic ministerial conference on digitalization was organized in Oslo by Nordic Cooperation and the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government & Modernisation. Martin…

Connecting Digital Start-Up Ecosystems: Workshop in Turku

in BDF Events, News

How can medium sized cities interact across borders to boost an integrated digital labor market? How can cities improve the growth potential of their startup scenes by structured cross-border collaboration? What is the interest and potential for sharing resources, benchmark outcomes and promote joint networks? These are some of the questions addressed in a small pilot project “Connecting Digital Start-up…

BDF/Top of Digital Europe in Sweden’s EU Strategy Network

in News

On 21st March, the Swedish Agency for Regional & Economic Growth organised a seminar in Stockholm for the Swedish EUSBSR network. 64 representatives from Swedish ministries, national agencies, regional authorities and other stakeholders engaged in the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) took part. Baltic Development Forum/Top of Digital Europe was invited for presentations and…

Estonia in a Digital Baltic Sea Region, Tallinn 23 March

in BDF Events, News

Baltic Development Forum and Top of Digital Europe had the pleasure of co-organising the conference “Estonia in a digital Baltic Sea Region” together with the Estonian ICT Association, ITL, in connection to their 17th anniversary. In his keynote address, Flemming Stender, Director of Baltic Development Forum, presented the highlights from the 2016 State of the Digital Region report, which outlines…

Towards a Cross-border Open Data Agenda

in Debate, News, Publications

Top of Digital Europe has launched a Discussion Paper “Towards a Cross-border Open Data Agenda – A Case for a macro-regional agenda on open government data in the Baltic Sea Region”. The aim is to initiate a debate on the vast potential for open government data across borders in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). It is a call to governments…

Digital Talents in the Baltic Sea Region

in Debate, News

Do we recognize our digital talents? How can we design joint ecosystems to foster human capital excellence across the Baltic Sea region?  How can we keep talents in the region and compete effectively with global leaders? How to get from brain circulation to building capacity? These were some of the questions discussed by an expert panel on 16 June in…

Workshop on Transnational Digital Collaboration

in BDF Events, News

BDF together with Estonia’s Ministry of Economic Affairs organised a workshop on transnational digital collaboration as part of a conference on Smart Specialisation Strategies in Sandviken, Sweden, 27th May 2016. The conference was organised by CPMR Baltic Sea Commission, PA Innovation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and Region Gävleborg. Smart Specialisation Strategies are tools for regional…

The Swedish Way to a Digital Single Market – Round Table in Stockholm 3 May

in BDF Events, News

On 3rd May, BDF and “Top of Digital Europe” organised the seminar “The Swedish way to a Digital Single Market in the Baltic Sea Region” in Stockholm. The event was co-organised and hosted by Stockholm Business Region, and gathered national policy makers, ICT industry, academia and experts to discuss the digital strengths and challenges of the Baltic Sea Region with…

Top of Digital Europe Hosted Round Tables in Finland and Estonia

in BDF Events, News

BDF and “Top of Digital Europe” was the co-organiser of an ICT Business Round Table in Helsinki on 12 Jan 2016, organized and hosted by Microsoft Finland. Participants were specially invited Finnish parliamentarians, policy makers and ICT industry. The topic for discussion was the potential for a digital single market of the Baltic Sea region: Could this region develop a…

BDF in round table on digitisation with Estonia’s President Ilves

in Debate, News

President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, was guest of honor at the Confederation of Danish Industry on 6 November. The Confederation had invited selected partners, including BDF, to an exclusive business round table to discuss digitization and the Digital Single Market with the President. Estonia is well known as a digital frontrunner and President Ilves is personally warmly engaged in…