News Categories

Debate article: Digital growth through regional cooperation

in Debate, News

The Baltic Sea Region is world leading within the digital sectors. If we want to stay competitive in a globalised world, we should continue to stimulate international success in the area of information and communication technology. Therefore we need to strengthen the regional cooperation and remove barriers for growth. If we don’t, then we risk to loose our front line…

Fehmarnbelt Tunnel portal Denmark

Stakeholders join forces to develop the Fehmarnbelt region

in BDF Events, News

Stakeholders of the Fehmarnbelt region are now cooperating to create a new region with a more strongly integrated economy, labor market, tourism, culture and politics. The link that binds it all together is the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, which is the biggest transport infrastructure project in Northern Europe. The cooperation of stakeholders has decided to establish a joint large scale cooperation…

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Welcome to BDF Summit / EUSBSR Annual Forum 2012 in Copenhagen 17-19 June

in BDF Events, News

The 14th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the European Commission’s 3rd Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, organised together with the Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Capital Region of Denmark and the Region of Zealand, will take place in Copenhagen on 17-19 June under the headline “Connecting Europe – Smart…

Danish Seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News

Join our seminar on the progress of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Regionfor Danish stakeholders in Copenhagen 9 September. For the 3rd consecutive year BDF organsises a seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region targeted Danish stakeholders in close cooperation with Danish Regions, the European Commission representation in Denmark, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs…