News Categories

Investment Promotion Agencies meet to discuss Cleantech and Growth Capital – 5 November Copenhagen

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On 5th November 2013, Baltic Development Forum will host the fourth meeting of the Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) of the Baltic Sea Region. In a unique EU supported initiative, the Investment Promotion Agencies of the region meet regularly to identify possible areas for regional cooperation. During the upcoming meeting the objective is to discuss Cleantech and Sustainability as a prioritised sector for investment promotion…

Water conference provides a breeding ground for new alliances to save the Baltic Sea

in BDF Events, News

BDF will use the preliminary results from the conference ”A cleaner Baltic Sea – investments, business opportunities and new partnerships” in the work ahead to elaborate a regional agenda and a way to re-think water. A report based on the many valuable contributions that were made by the speakers, moderators and participants during the conference will provide a breeding ground for initiating…

Baltic Business Arena Update

in News

The Baltic Business Arena that will take place during the Summit and Annual Forum is expected to gather about 100 companies from all countries in the Baltic Sea Region. At this event the companies will discuss future business opportunities, new project ideas and new technology. There is a “green thread” among the chosen sectors for the event: Cleantech, Sustainable Construction,…

Join the Baltic Business Arena

in BDF Events, News

The business matchmaking event Baltic Business Arena will take place as an integrated part of the Summit and Annual Forum. At the Baltic Business Arena small and medium sized companies from the entire Baltic Sea Region will have the opportunity to book face-to-face meetings with other companies in a specially designed meeting arena. The first event of this kind was…