News Categories

International Investment Promotional Agencies of the Baltic Sea Region met in Tallinn to discuss cooperation opportunities

in BDF Events, News

On 21 January, BDF organized a meeting for Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) from around the Baltic Sea Region in Tallinn. The event was hosted by the Estonian Investment Agency and held at the e-Estonia showroom in Tallinn, a center showcasing Estonia´s ICT achievements and solutions. The meeting event was attended by 11 IPAs with representatingves from almost every country of…

Baltic Sea Region – a region of opportunities

in News, Projects

ONE BSR  – ten nations, thousands of stories ONE BSR –  a flagship project within the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Programme and the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is approaching its final phase. Launched in 2012, project’s aim has been to produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region image and identity, contributing to joint promotion of the region….

Invest in the Baltic Sea Region – Investment Promotion Agencies Forum 2014

in News, Projects, Publications

Towards a more globally competitive Baltic Sea Region through cooperation and joined forces Business Plan for Investment Promotion Agencies of the Baltic Sea Region Investment Promotion Agencies Forum 2014 The Baltic Sea Region is still one of the economically most competitive regions in the world. However, foreign companies are still of significant importance for the national and regional economy in terms…

Investment Promotion Agencies meet to discuss Cleantech and Growth Capital – 5 November Copenhagen

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On 5th November 2013, Baltic Development Forum will host the fourth meeting of the Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) of the Baltic Sea Region. In a unique EU supported initiative, the Investment Promotion Agencies of the region meet regularly to identify possible areas for regional cooperation. During the upcoming meeting the objective is to discuss Cleantech and Sustainability as a prioritised sector for investment promotion…

ONE BSR – Searching for the identity of Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

Baltic Sea Region is the second most popular cruise destination in the world, right after the Caribbean. It may become even more popular if branded and promoted as one unity. Seventeen cities and institutions from around Baltic Sea have now joined their forces to search for ideas and images for a common identity. In the ONE Baltic Sea Region (ONE…