News Categories

Debating Multi-level Transgovernance in Turku

in BDF Events, News, Projects

In the margins of the 16th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the 5th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region the BSR TransGovernance will get attention among the stakeholders who will join Turku Baltic Sea Days’ events in the beginning of June. BSR TransGovernance project, co-funded by the BSR Programme 2007-2013 and led by the Swedish region…

Hans Brask

Hans Brask: Governance crisis in the Baltic Sea region cooperation?

in Debate, News

The European Commission will soon present a communication on governance in the Baltic Sea Region cooperation. This is a very timely initiative, since the regional cooperation calls for leadership and guidance at a time where the planned meeting of the CBSS Heads of Government in Turku has been cancelled due to the Ukraine/Crimean-crisis with Russia: Some Prime Ministers just do…

Updated: 16th BDF Summit to be held in Turku, 3-4 June 2014

in BDF Events, News

The joint 16th Baltic Development Forum Summit and 5th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR, themed “Growing together”, will explore how cooperation can help strengthen economic growth, contribute to sustainable development, and create a strong and integrated Baltic Sea Region. Bringing together decision-makers from business, politics, international organisations and academia from across the Baltic Sea Region, the event will provide a…

Intern at Baltic Development Forum in 2014

in News

Baltic Development Forum Seeks Committed Interns 2014 will be a dynamic and exciting year as Baltic Development Forum is organizing two major regional events – 16th Annual BDF Summit in June in Turku, Finland, and Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 in October in Copenhagen, Denmark. Moreover, in 2014 BDF will introduce and continue its core activities in the ICT, Corporate Water Management and Smart Cities projects. Therefore, we are seeking…

Baltic Business Arena 2013 a Success!

in BDF Events, News

Baltic Business Arena 2013, the 3rd of its kind, has once again proved itself to be a valuable platform for business dialogues and has positioned the Baltic Sea region as a place to do business. Baltic Business Arena 2013 took place during the 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit in Riga, Latvia and attracted 78 companies from 7 countries in the…

Evaluation of the BDF Annual Summit in Riga 2013

in BDF Events, News

The 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit was held in Riga, Latvia, 29-30 May under the title “New Realities – New Opportunities. Competitiveness, investments and business development in the Baltic Sea Region.” This year’s Summit gathered ca. 750 participants. The programme and the level of speakers this year was highly appreciated and the most popular sessions this year were the Prime…

Key messages from the BDF Summit in Riga 2013

in BDF Events, News

The 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit 29-30 June in Riga, Latvia sent a strong signal: Latvia and the Baltic States have returned to the Top of Europe, demonstrating high economic growth figures and optimism for the future as well as high hopes for regional and European integration. Baltic Prime Ministers One of the highlights of the Summit was the plenary…

High-level BDF Summit showed the opportunities in the aftermath of the crisis

in BDF Events, News

A success! The most focused Summit ever in a very pleasant and effective atmosphere! Those were the words used at the end of the three day discussions and matchmaking in Riga last week at the 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit. More than 600 participants registered and more than 100 companies were present. The three Prime Ministers of Latvia, Estonia and…

Two foreign Ministers win the BDF Baltic Sea Award

in BDF Events, News

They have both made extraordinary contributions to the development of the Baltic Sea Region. They have both taken innovative initiatives to foster political dialogue in Europe. The winners of the Baltic Sea Award 2013 are Mr Carl Bildt, Foreign Minister of Sweden, and Mr Radoslaw Sikorski, Foreign Minister of Poland. The winners were announced at the BDF Summit Gala Dinner…

More than 500 participants will attend the 15th BDF Summit in Riga

in News

Three days of joint efforts to find and use the new opportunities in the new realities put on all of us by the global crisis. Three days of exchanging good experiences and new ideas to achieve further sustainable growth and create better cooperation to build a truly integrated Baltic Sea Region. The scene is set. VIPs, speakers, participants, media and…