News Categories

Baltic TRAM mid-term conference: Analytical Research for Industry-Novel Options for Enhanced Cooperation

in BDF Events, News, Projects

25-26 October 2017 in Stockholm Baltic TRAM is organizing a conference on a better cooperation between industry and analytical facilities on 25-26 October 2017 in Stockholm. The event will be arranged under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States. The conference will include: Day 1 – Political Support Among the prominent speakers are: Stefan Michalowski, former…

Looking back at “Cool North”

in BDF Events, News

On September 8-9 2014 Baltic Development Forum (BDF) and Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in close collaboration with the Danish Parliament, Danish Ministry of Culture, Danish Cultural Institute arranged a two-day conference on cultural diplomacy “Cool North – Cultural Diplomacy in the Nordics: Strategies for Regional Development, Cooperation, Good Neighborly Relations”. The conference was supported by Nordic Council of Ministers…

Talent retention in the Baltic Sea Region – we need international talent

in News, Projects

Working together for ONE BSR project After two years of operation ONE BSR has come to a close. The last conference held in Helsinki, September 4, 2014 went through the events that have taken place under the project as well as looked into what the future holds for the region. The closing session shared the most important participant take-a-ways and future…

Become an exhibitor in the ‘Networking Village’ at the Fehmarnbelt Days

in BDF Events, News

Networking is an essential part of the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014. Taking part as an exhibitor in the Networking Village is the perfect way to brand and promote your company, organisation or project and demonstrate that you are a stakeholder in the Fehmarnbelt Region. The purpose of the Networking Village is to engage all participants in an open dialogue in order…

Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 are Creating Connections, 30 Sep – 2 Oct 2014 Copenhagen

in BDF Events, News

Three day event in the heart of Copenhagen to focus on German-Danish-Swedish relations The conference will take place September 30th to October 2nd and will feature events, seminars, and conferences focused on tourism, business, science and culture in the region, among others. In and around Copenhagen, industry experts, politicians and citizens of all three countries will convene to explore the…

Highlights from the 16th BDF Summit and 5th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR, 3-4 June

in BDF Events, News

Emily Wise, plenary moderator at the 16th Baltic Development Forum Summit and 5th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR, shares some of the key messages coming out of the six plenary sessions: This year’s State of the Region Report highlighted evidence and implications of a “new normal” The main conclusion from this year’s State of the Region Report is that we…

Political State of the Region Report 2014: Baltic Sea Neighbourhoods – A Mega-Region in Progress?

in News, Publications

The Political State of the Region Report 2014 focuses on the Baltic Sea Region and its neighbourhoods. It analyses current internal and external dynamics and political developments in the light of the recent crisis around Ukraine. The report concludes that the region is still rightly recognised as a model for cross-border convergence and cooperation in numerous areas and outlines that…

BDF Report: Making Water Your Business – Company Perspectives from the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Publications

Responsible water management is good business that can mitigate risks, cut down on costs, build trust with consumers and decision-making, and provide companies with a competitive advantage. These are some of the main points outlined in the report “Making Water Your Business – Company Perspectives from the Baltic Sea Region”, launched by the Baltic Development Forum at the 16th BDF…

BDF moderated conference on sustainable aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region – AQUAFIMA and Aquabest joint final event

in Debate, News

Lovisa Selander, Head of Water and Environmental Affairs, was the moderator of the joint final conference of the projects AQUAFIMA and Aquabest, held in Mariehamn, Åland Islands on the 5 and 6 February 2014. Under the heading “Sustainable aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region – boosting regional development while limiting environmental effects”, the 120 participants from research institutions, policy making,…