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EU to fund LNG terminal only if all Baltic States participate

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EU calls for unity in the Baltic States concerning a common LNG terminal. Head of the European Commission’s office in Latvia Inna Steinbuka said that the European Union will not co-finance the construction of a LNG terminal if an agreement is not reached for involving all Baltic States in the project, reports. “The main idea for this terminal is…

Hans Skov Christensen receives the Star of Lithuanian Diplomacy

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On 28 August, during his visit to Denmark, Audronius Ažubalis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, presented the “Star of Lithuanian Diplomacy” to Hans Skov Christensen, former CEO of Confederation of Danish Industry and now Deputy Chairman of the Board of Baltic Development Forum. The ceremony took place at the Lithuanian Embassy in Copenhagen. In his address Foreign Minister Ažubalis…


Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Regaining Independence by the Baltic States, August 2011

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Exactly 20 years ago, the three Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – regained their independence and resumed diplomatic relations with the international community. The anniversary is celebrated in the Baltic States, but also in most Baltic Sea Region countries as they played important and instrumental roles in helping the Baltic people strive for re-establishment of statehood and separation…