News Categories

Political State of the Region Report 2013

in News, Publications

The 2013 Political State of the Region Report “Trends and Directions in the Baltic Sea Region” is a fresh take on answering amongst other things the question of: In what state is the Baltic Sea region (BSR) in 2013? What are the current challenges and opportunities? What are the current priorities of its countries? How has the EU Strategy for…

ONE Baltic Sea Region (ONE BSR): Baltic Metropoles Accelerating the Branding and Identity Building of the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

We would like to warmly welcome you to join the third ONE BSR meeting and learn about the activities and meet the experts of the European Union Baltic Sea Strategy flagship project. During the meeting current challenges related to talent retention, investment promotion and tourism attraction to the region will be discussed. The meeting will take place in Copenhagen at…

Maritime Conference and Round Table in Rostock

in News

On 8-9 August, City of Rostock and Baltic Sea Forum – together with among others the Finnish CBSS Presidency – organized a conference on maritime policy, chaired by the Lord Mayor of Rostock, Mr. Roland Methling. The maritime sector, government officials, Baltic Sea organisations etc. were represented. Among topics discussed were the challenges related to Clean Shipping, including how the…

Kaliningrad Beach

Successful Energy Round Table Meeting in Kaliningrad 4 June 2013

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Banks and IFIs are ready to finance energy efficiency project in Kaliningrad: Regional partner countries also ready to achieve results. Within the Rensol project, Baltic Development Forum and Nordic Council of Ministers’ Information Office in Kaliningrad, organised 4 June a Round Table meeting on financing models for energy efficiency projects in Kaliningrad, Russia. The meeting took place in connection with the V…

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: Where are we heading?

in Debate, News

The implementing actors of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region were gathered at the 4th Working Meeting for the Strategy, 10-11 April 2013 in Espoo, Finland, organised by INTERACT Point Turku and the European Commission, DG Regio. BDF was invited as Horisontal Action Leader for the Strategy area “HA Promo” (development of regional identity and branding), a role…

Let’s make cross-border digital solutions!

in BDF Events, News

“The technology is ready. Nationally we are good but together we are among the best. Why not connect the national systems in cross-border digital solutions in the Nordic/Baltic region?”  That was one of the cross-cutting messages at the conference on the Nordic-Baltic ICT Powerhouse 15 April 2013 in Stockholm City Hall, organized by BDF and Microsoft, and generously hosted by…

Russian soft power and the environment of the Baltic Sea

in Debate, News

Last Friday Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated and tweeted that “The Baltic States’ priority for the 21st century — the environment”. “The steady development of the Baltic region can only be ensured if environmental goals are pursued in conjunction with economic and social aims”, Medvedev continued before the opening of the High-level Conference of the Baltic Sea States on…

Call for Nominations – BSR Innovation Award 2013

in News

BSR Innovation Award 2013 The Baltic Development Forum and BSR Stars are happy to announce the Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award. The aim of the award is to highlight the importance of innovation and is also a recognition of the fact that the Baltic Sea Region countries are among the most innovative economies in the world. The award goes to…

ONE BSR – Searching for the identity of Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

Baltic Sea Region is the second most popular cruise destination in the world, right after the Caribbean. It may become even more popular if branded and promoted as one unity. Seventeen cities and institutions from around Baltic Sea have now joined their forces to search for ideas and images for a common identity. In the ONE Baltic Sea Region (ONE…

Call for nominations for the Baltic Sea Award 2013

in News

Baltic Development Forum welcomes you to nominate a candidate which you find has made extraordinary contributions to the development of the Baltic Sea region. (The formal criteria are listed below) The Baltic Sea Award was established in 2007. This summer it is distributed for the 7th consecutive year. The event takes place at the BDF Gala dinner on 29th of…