News Categories

The Baltic Sea Region Identity, Branding and Communication

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Monday 9 December 2013 – City Hall of Helsinki, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13, Helsinki, Finland The countries and regions around the Baltic Sea Region have come closer during recent years. Is it only due to a community of interests or do we share more than that – values, norms and a “we-feeling”? If so, is it possible to boost joint promotion and regional identity…

Baltic Development Forum at 15: the story so far

in BDF Events, News

Baltic Development Forum is coming of age and we are happy to invite you to celebrate our crystal Anniversary on 25 November at 15:30 at our Secretariat at Nytorv 3 in Copenhagen. At fifteen you look for your role in the future and you know that new times need new ways to act. We are never too old to learn…

Investment Promotion Agencies meet to discuss Cleantech and Growth Capital – 5 November Copenhagen

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On 5th November 2013, Baltic Development Forum will host the fourth meeting of the Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) of the Baltic Sea Region. In a unique EU supported initiative, the Investment Promotion Agencies of the region meet regularly to identify possible areas for regional cooperation. During the upcoming meeting the objective is to discuss Cleantech and Sustainability as a prioritised sector for investment promotion…

Big Data Revolution in the Baltic Sea Region?

in BDF Events, News

The Baltic Sea Region is among the world’s leading ICT clusters. In many ways, the Region is a role model for how the digital economy can stimulate growth and competitiveness. In combination with a developed tradition for cross-border cooperation and public-private dialogue, the Region has a huge potential for paving new paths in the digital area. This also refers to…

Baltic Business Arena 2013 a Success!

in BDF Events, News

Baltic Business Arena 2013, the 3rd of its kind, has once again proved itself to be a valuable platform for business dialogues and has positioned the Baltic Sea region as a place to do business. Baltic Business Arena 2013 took place during the 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit in Riga, Latvia and attracted 78 companies from 7 countries in the…

Report on Nordic solutions to improve energy efficiency in buildings – now available!

in News, Projects, Publications

Applying Nordic Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast Baltic Development Forum acts as the Lead Partner of RENSOL project, “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast”. The project was started with the identification of feasible energy efficient and renewable energy solutions in Nordic countries that could also be adapted to Kaliningrad region. Possibilities to improve housing energy…

Call for New Bloggers from the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

Ten nations and over 60 stories already – but much more to come The ONE Baltic Sea Region bloggers have shared stories from their daily lives since March 2013. Eleven bloggers have been posting about specialties and quirks from their respective nations. Their blogs are posted on the One BSR website and also on newsWave, the Baltic Sea Region news…

Thank you for a successful Baltic Sea Conference 2013

in BDF Events, News

The “Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries” successfully gathered 300 participants in Copenhagen on 3 October, to engage in inspiring discussions on how to create a Baltic Sea Region which is both sustainable and prosperous and puts the blue and green economies in focus. Coming from the private sector, the European Commission, NGOs, international financing…

Trip around the Baltic Sea on NewsWave

in News, Projects

From the 23rd to the 28th September, six ONE BSR bloggers were taking part in a trip around the Baltic Sea. Together, they got the opportunity to explore three major cities of the Baltic Sea Region: Warsaw, Helsinki and Tallinn. During the trip, they were reporting live on twitter and Facebook, sharing their impressions and thoughts, exchanging ideas and getting to know…

State of the Region Report 2013 – 10th Ed.

in News, Publications

Christian Ketels , Principal Associate Harvard Business School and Author of the State of the Region Series, in the first part of the Report provides a discussion of the recent trends in competitiveness across the Baltic Sea Region. The first part looks at the current economic climate in the Region, an important influence on the policy environment for long-term competitiveness…