News Categories

Research and Business: Need for Concrete Actions

in BDF Events, Debate, News

On 9th November 2016 in Stockholm, the project BalticTRAM hosted the session Achieving knowledge-driven innovation and growth in the Baltic Sea Region. The discussions addressed research-industry collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region: how to unlock the innovation potential of the research infrastructures, how to strengthen links between science and concrete industry needs, how public and private sectors in the region…

First Baltic EU Presidency: Vilnius a European capital together with Brussels. Helsinki the other place to turn to in the region.

in News

Lithuania has taken over the EU presidency from 1 July and is the first Baltic State country to take over this important task. You can read more about the presidency here.  With the priorities and objectives like “Credible Europe”, “Growing Europe” and “Open Europe” Lithuania is setting a strong agenda for the upcoming autumn. Not only financial growth, but also…

Updated Summit Programme available for download

in BDF Events, News

With more than one month left before the 14th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the European Commission’s 3rd Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, we have put together 7 plenary sessions, 12 parallel thematic sessions, and last but not least Networking and Project Village activities embracing a lot of presentations of both flagship projects and…

Side-event buzz at BDF Summit and Annual Forum

in News

The Summit and Annual Forum also creates a good opportunity for organisations and projects involved in regional cooperation to gather their stakeholders for side-events back to back with the conference. This year more side-events than ever before are taking place in and around the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. One of these is a roundtable meeting organised by…

Baltic Development Forum Seeks Committed Intern

in News

With the adoption of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, the region is playing a new role within the EU. The Baltic Sea Region has become a testing ground for regional policies and strategies that can help bring about sustainable growth and a more dynamic integration process of the EU. Baltic Development Forum is at the forefront of…

BDF Summit / EUSBSR Annual Forum 2011 Conference Report

in News, Publications

We have put together a summary of the activities that took place during the BDF Summit / EUSBSR Annual Forum 24-26 October in Gdansk. Although it’s impossible to give credit to all speakers and contributions made, it presents some of the made points made during the discussions and networking. Download Gdansk Conference Report

High level session Gdansk

BDF Summit and Annual Forum a Success

in BDF Events, News

The 13th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the European Commission’s 2nd Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region was held in Gdansk, Poland, 24-26 October under the title “New Ambitions for the Baltic Sea Region”. This year’s conference gathered ca. 750 participants, during which 126 questionnaires were conducted with our participants – representing approximately 17% of…

Map of Baltic Sea Region

Council conclusions on the review of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in News

The agenda of the General Affairs Council (GAC) meeting yesterday (15 November) included the adoption of Council conclusions on the review of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Reference was made to the extensive debates on EUSBSR implementation as well as the review related consultations conducted within the framework of Polish Presidency of the Council. The Commission was…

BDF Summit 2011 Website

in News

This year’s BDF Summit is organised in close cooperation with the EU Commission’s Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Therefore we have made a joint website with all information related to the event: Here we update information about programme, speakers, social activities, project and networking village activities, hotels etc. on a daily basis up…