Round Table on Water Stewardship

in BDF Events, News

On 1 December Baltic Development Forum together with SIWI Swedish Water House and Race for the Baltic organized a round table with the title “Identifying the wins, addressing the barriers, and navigating the concept jungle – The why and how of corporate water stewardship”.

Participating were representatives of a number of organisations providing tools and certifications for water stewardship. CEO Water Mandate presented their Water Toolbox, The Water Footprint Network explained their Water Footprint Assessment methodology, World Business Council for Sustainable Development shared their Global Water Tool, European Water Stewardship explained their European Water Stewardship Standard, and WWF outlined their  Water Risk Filter.

Two companies – UPM and Choice Hotels – shared their experiences of working in practice with water stewardship.

The round table engaged the 23 participants, coming from a diverse range of sectors, in discussion on drivers for water stewardship, as well as the challenges connected to navigating existing tools and implementing them.

The reflection was made that although there are several tools available for water stewardship, they are not competitors but rather different pieces of the puzzle. Which methodology a company choses to use depends on their specific needs. The tools are also increasingly harmonizing their approaches and communication, and several are using the same definitions and datasets.

Some of the main points brought up in the discussion:

Drivers and benefits


Design of tools

More reading: Making Water Your Business, published by Baltic Development Forum in 2014.

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