The Nordic ICT Powerhouse conference 15 April, Stockholm

in BDF Events, News

Welcome to “The Nordic ICT Powerhouse”, a conference on regional growth through Nordic/Baltic collaboration, Monday 15 April 2013, 12.00 – 16.30 at Stockholm City Hall, Sweden

The Nordic-Baltic region is one of the world’s ICT Powerhouses. How can we further strengthen and utilise this position in a global context? We welcome you to a conference organised by Baltic Development Forum and Microsoft, and hosted by the City of Stockholm, on the topic of regional growth.

The Nordic-Baltic region is one of the world leading ICT clusters, comparable to top clusters in India, China and the US. Since 2000 Microsoft has spent more in the Baltic Sea Region than in any other part of the world, “In fact we have spent almost as much in the Baltic Sea Region in terms of investments as we have in the US itself” (Microsoft Vice President Brad Smith). The discussion will focus on what initiatives and actions we can take in the Nordic-Baltic region to maintain and further develop this strength position.

Among speakers are Tobias Billström, Migration Minister of Sweden, Ulla Hamilton, Vice Mayor, City of Stockholm, Taavi Kotka, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia, Linnar Viik, European Institute of Innovation & Technology and Nanna-Louise Wildfang, Microsoft Northern Europe and Benelux.

Among topics will be investments, attraction of talents and public-private ICT partnerships for growth. The discussion will be inspired by e.g. the report “Priorities towards a Digital Single Market in the Baltic Sea Region” and a high level seminar in Brussels January 2013.

Check the Programme here.

BDF contact person: Torben Aaberg, Head of Public Affairs,

Photo: Noemi Pal
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