newsWave website opened by Danish Minister for European Affairs

in News, Projects

“In my opinion, newsWave stands a good chance of becoming defining factor in developing a “we-feeling” in the Baltic region. I welcome your “new wave”. And I congratulate you on the launch of newsWave,” said Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen at the BDF winter reception 26 February launching newsWave. (Photo: Hasse Ferrold)

“I am very pleased to be with you today. As many of you know, the Baltic Development Forum (BDF) has been a close partner of the Foreign Ministry for many years. And let me say this: We have highly appreciated our cooperation over the years. A particular highlight was the BDF Forum during the Danish EU-presidency last year. We hope to become even closer partners in the years to come.

Today is a special occasion. Today BDF’s website newsWave is launched. newsWave is an innovative news site on the Baltic Sea region. It will bring news on developments in the individual Baltic Sea states and offer insights into the broad number of cooperation plans and projects in the region. It aims to reach out to the individual citizen. And I understand that the ultimate goal for newsWave is to foster a “we-feeling” in the Baltic Sea states – a common feeling of belonging to one and the same region. This is important.

The reason is simple: The Baltic region is unique in many respects and shares many points of departures. History, culture, economic development and not least economic potential are but a few examples. Our common challenges as regards protecting the environment and adapting to climate changes are others. Only by facing up to these challenges together, and only through close cooperation can we fully unleash the impressive potential of the region.

Denmark is actively engaged in Baltic Sea cooperation. As Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt has stated: Cooperation in the Baltic Sea region is a priority in Danish foreign policy. In line with this policy statement, we have decided to step up our involvement in Baltic Sea cooperation.

To do this, we have developed a new Danish policy framework for the Baltic Sea region. We aim not only to raise our political profile in the Baltic Sea context. But also to increase our effectiveness in, our focus on and the impact of our engagement in Baltic Sea cooperation.

The policy framework is based on one main goal: to tie the Baltic Sea Region together in an ever stronger cooperation between all Baltic Sea States, including Russia.

It has two priorities: to protect the environment and climate as well as to create growth in a broad sense. Protecting the environment and the climate reflect the Government’s Green Growth agenda. And Denmark is well equipped to engage in precisely these two fields.

We intend to concentrate our endeavors on three main fora for cooperation: The Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS), the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) and the Northern Dimension (ND).

Our line is clear. The goals have been set. Now we will move to the implementation phase.

Our new policy framework comes with a wide range of specific implementing measures. I will not go into them in detail today. But they include an ambition to improve communication. Not only on the Government’s views and policy on Baltic Sea cooperation. But also on how the Government intends to implement this policy.

It is obvious why.

Because in this day and age, communication is of the essence. If you want to spread information effectively. If you want to get your message across to the public at large. And if you want to engage the public in your endeavors.

This brings me back to the launch of newsWave today. Because I am sure that the new BDF news website is launched for many of the same reasons. In my opinion, newsWave stands a good chance of becoming defining factor in developing a “we-feeling” in the Baltic region. I welcome your “new wave”. And I congratulate you on the launch of newsWave.

Thank you very much!”
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