News Categories

Estonia in a Digital Baltic Sea Region, Tallinn 23 March

in BDF Events, News

Baltic Development Forum and Top of Digital Europe had the pleasure of co-organising the conference “Estonia in a digital Baltic Sea Region” together with the Estonian ICT Association, ITL, in connection to their 17th anniversary. In his keynote address, Flemming Stender, Director of Baltic Development Forum, presented the highlights from the 2016 State of the Digital Region report, which outlines…

New Project Puts a Price on Companies’ Environmental Footprint

in News, Projects

More companies want to understand their consumption of natural resources and their environmental and climate footprint: not just to display responsibility, but also to assure their survival. BDF is partner in a project which develops tools for companies’ natural capital accounting to meet the growing demand.   It takes a huge amount of water to produce clothes. For example, the…

State of the Baltic Sea Region: Latest Insights

in BDF Events, News

On 6th February, Baltic Development Forum organized a seminar to share the latest insights on the state of the Baltic Sea Region with regards to competitiveness and economic development. The seminar was hosted by the Danish Ministry of Foreign affairs. The authors of the 2016 State of the Region Report, Dr. Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School and Stockholm School of…

State of the Region: Seminar in Copenhagen 6 February

in BDF Events, News

BDF invites to an afternoon event to share the latest findings from the State of the Region Report, looking closer at how the Baltic Sea Region is doing in terms of competitiveness and innovation. The region´s economic performance continues to be solid and prosperity continues to grow across the Baltic Sea Region. Low interest rates however raise concerns about the…

Towards a Cross-border Open Data Agenda

in Debate, News, Publications

Top of Digital Europe has launched a Discussion Paper “Towards a Cross-border Open Data Agenda – A Case for a macro-regional agenda on open government data in the Baltic Sea Region”. The aim is to initiate a debate on the vast potential for open government data across borders in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). It is a call to governments…

Research and Business: Need for Concrete Actions

in BDF Events, Debate, News

On 9th November 2016 in Stockholm, the project BalticTRAM hosted the session Achieving knowledge-driven innovation and growth in the Baltic Sea Region. The discussions addressed research-industry collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region: how to unlock the innovation potential of the research infrastructures, how to strengthen links between science and concrete industry needs, how public and private sectors in the region…

18th Baltic Development Forum Summit: State of the Region Report Launches

in BDF Events, News, Publications

During the 18th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the 7th Strategy Forum for the EUSBSR, BDF launched three new “State of the Region Reports” providing an economic and political outlook for the region and analyzing the perspectives for regional cooperation. The 18th BDF Summit explored the potential for growth, innovation and competitiveness in the current changing political and economic environment,…

18th BDF Summit in Stockholm

in BDF Events, News

The 18th Baltic Development Forum Summit was held in Stockholm on 8 November 2016, in conjunction with the 7th Strategy Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Taking stock of the current state of the Baltic Sea Region, the 18th BDF Summit explored how we can find common ground in a changing environment, looking closer at the…

Exploring the Untapped Potential in Energy Efficiency Collaboration

in Debate, News

On 29th September 2016, Baltic Development Forum and the Council of the Baltic Sea States Baltic 2030 organized the seminar Energy Dialogue: Financing Energy Efficiency in Stockholm.  The purpose of the seminar was to provide a platform for a dialogue among business representatives, regional and local governments, cities, financing institutions and experts from the Baltic Sea Region on how to…

Cross-Border Digital Opportunities for SMEs

in BDF Events, News

On 22nd September, Baltic Development Forum and Region Zealand organised a digitization seminar in Hamburg as part of the Fehmarnbelt Days 2016, a series of events focusing on the cross border collaboration opportunities in the upcoming Fehmarnbelt Region which extends through North Germany – Denmark – South Sweden. The main part of the seminar, “Cross-border digital opportunities in the Fehmarnbelt…