News Categories

BaltMet Promo Forms Joint Promotional Platform

in News, Projects

Representatives from the Baltic Metropolises met in Copenhagen 4-5 September to outline the strategic EU project, BaltMet Promo, with the aim of establishing from a metropolitan perspective a way to do collaborative promotion for the Baltic Sea Region in the global markets. The meeting was hosted by Baltic Development Forum. The members of the BaltMet network are launching the project…

Formal Agreement on Fehmarn Belt Bridge

in Debate, News

BDF welcomes the formal agreement between the Danish Minister of Infrastructure Carina Christensen and her German counterpart Wolfgang Tiefensee on building the Fehmarn Belt bridge by 2018. – Undoubtedly, large scaled infrastructural investments like the Fehmarn Belt bridge helps the smaller economies of the Nordic Countries gaining better access to the larger European markets, thereby overcoming some of the impediments…

Region Skåne co-hosts BDF Summit 2008 – in Malmö

in News

At today’s meeting of the executive board of Region Skåne, the decision was taken to join the Baltic Development Forum Summit arrangements as co-host. The final plenary session and subsequent gala dinner on Monday evening 1 December will take place in the Malmö opera. Chief negotiator of ESS Scandinavia as well as chairman of Lund University Allan Larsson will together…

EU Baltic Sea Strategy

in News

The preparatory work on the up-coming EU-strategy on the Baltic Sea Region will officially be launched at the stakeholder conference 30 September in Stockholm. Sweden’s Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and EU Commissioner Danuta Hübner will address the many regional stakeholders that are involved in the work. The European Commission has launched an ambitious consultation process that will lead to the…

Business Meets Hanse Sail

in News

At the annual Hanse Sail event in Rostock, Germany, 7-9 August the local business association gathered a number of parties to discuss the future development of the Baltic Sea Region. On 8-9 August, BDF participated in Business Meets Hanse Sail in Rostock arranged by Rostock Business. Hanse Sail is one of the biggest manifestations of tallships in the Baltic Sea…

Conclusions Almedalen

in BDF Events, Debate, News

Outlining Basic Principles for the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy During the two-day seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, arranged by Sida’s Baltic Sea Unit and Baltic Development Forum at the Almedalen “Political Week” in Gotland, Sweden, some 56 speakers and more than 400 participants debated the goals and practicalities of the European Strategy for the…


in News

The Baltic Sea Region as a Model for EU’s Future Economic Growth “A closer integrated Baltic Sea Region has since long been a goal for my generation, and now it is time to take it a step further”, said Dr Cecilia Malmström, Swedish Minister for European Affairs at the opening seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region,…

BDF Welcomes New Strategic Partner Gasunie

in News

The Dutch gas-infrastructure company Gasunie has joint BDF’s network as Strategic Partner. The official signing of the agreement took place in the Netherlands today. Gasunie’s CEO Marcel Kramer is a confirmed speaker at the BDF Summit in Copenhagen-Malmö, where regional energy cooperation and integration will be among the central topics. PRESS RELEASE Groningen, 26 June 2008 Cooperation between Gasunie and…

Report Warsaw Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The conference on “The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness” held on 3 June 2009 in Radisson SAS Hotel in Warsaw was organised jointly by demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, Swedish Embassy in Warsaw, the Office of the Committee for European Integration, the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Baltic Development…

Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness

in BDF Events, News, Publications

BDF was one of the organizers of a Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region held in Warsaw on June 3rd titled “Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness”. Specially invited speakers were the Polish Ministers Piotr Serafin and Michał Boni, the Speaker of the Swedish Riksdag Mr. Per Westerberg and the CEO of Pekao SA Mr….