News Categories

The Baltic Sea Region is Ready for Meeting the Energy and Climate Targets

in News, Publications

Today the BDF Report Energy Perspectives for the Baltic Sea Region is available. The Report has been initiated by Baltic Development Forum, prepared by Ea Energianalyse and sponsored mainly by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Preface by Mr. Andris Piebalgs, EU Commissioner for Energy. Neighborhood cooperation makes a difference! The countries around the Baltic Sea will all benefit from stronger…

President Halonen Supports Baltic Sea Meeting for Young People

in News

The President of Finland Tarja Halonen who received the Swedbank Baltic Sea Award 2008 has donated the money to support a Baltic Sea meeting for young people. The meeting is held on 10-11 September on Harakka Island in Helsinki. President Halonen will participate in the meeting today. The participants in the meeting are young people between the ages of 15…

From a Baltic Point of View

in News

Our Member Sida Baltic Sea Unit has set sights on finding out opinions on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy and published a booklet with the result. It has been on the agenda for some time, shrouded in speculation, hope and some misunderstandings, but now it is finally here for everyone to admire, discuss and implement. The EU Strategy for the…

Danish Stakeholder Seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News

Today Baltic Development Forum carried out a seminar in Copenhagen on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its possible Danish interest areas.   The seminar was organized by BDF in close cooperation with Danish Regions, the European Commission representation in Denmark, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. For a press release in Danish on the…

ScanBalt Bridge Award

in News

The ScanBalt Bridge Award, a biannual award in life sciences amounting to 25.000 EUR, will be announced and delivered at the BDF Summit 2009 in Stockholm. The Award strives to create a bridge between academia and business, promoting innovation on Top of Europe. Deadline for applications 15 September. A Life Sciences Award Bridging academia and small and medium sized enterprises…

Swedbank Baltic Sea Award 2009

in News

Baltic Development Forum calls for nomination of distinguished candidates for the Swedbank Baltic Sea Award 2009. In cooperation with our Summit sponsor Swedbank, Baltic Development Forum has established an annual award for extraordinary contributions to the development of the Baltic Sea Region. In 2007 the Award was given to the Founder of Baltic Sea 2020 Björn Carlsson and in 2008…

New Presidencies of EU and the CBSS

in News

Today Sweden takes over the Presidency of the EU after the Czech Republic, and Lithuania the Presidency of CBSS after Denmark. BDF wishes both countries good luck in their important new roles and will continue to work closely with their respective government offices.   Swedish EU Presidency From today, 1 July, until the end of the year, it will be…

New Issue of BDF Magazine out Now

in News, Publications

The summer 2009 issue of BDF Magazine has been published. Read about the last BDF Summit held in Copenhagen-Malmö and some of its themes, such as Energy, Innovation, Øresund and Russia. Naturally attention is also given to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Articles provided by: Håkan Buskhe, CEO, E.ON Nordic Andrius Kubilius, Prime Minister of Lithuania Mikael…

Energy Workshop in Kaliningrad

in BDF Events, News

The Workshop “Energizing Sustainable Growth” took place in Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, on June 10-11th. The objective was to strengthen the dialogue with Russian partners within the climate and energy agenda. BDF was one of the organisers. Together with the Baltic Sea Region Energy Co-operation (BASREC), Nordic Council of Ministers’ Information Office in Kaliningrad and the Government of the Kaliningrad Region…

BDF Energy and Climate Seminar with CBSS Foreign Ministers

in BDF Events, News

In connection with the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Ministerial meeting in Elsinore, Denmark, BDF organised a high-level seminar on energy and climate on June 4th as part of the meeting. The seminar on different energy scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region attracted different stakeholders from the private and public sector: International organisations, including Baltic Sea Region Energy…