News Categories

BDF in a Baltic Digital Single Market Initiative

in News

BDF and BCCA will develop a Digital Agenda Action Plan for the Baltic Sea Region that will be presented and discussed at the next BDF Summit/EU Annual Forum in Copenhagen June 2012. It will give direct inputs to the Danish EU Presidency and the European Commission on the further development of a Digital Single Market in Europe, confirming that the BSR…

Succeeding in the Baltic Sea Region is a joint European enterprise

in Debate, News

In BDF we realize that the success of  investing in the necessary  big cross border infrastructure projects on the Top of Europe is very much dependent on success of Europe in general. The Baltic Sea Region can do a lot on its own to become a winner region – and can in fact be proud of its achievement over the…

Taking Notes

BDF 2012 Strategy: Higher competitiveness through regional cooperation, public-private co-operation, infrastructure investment and developments

in News

BDF wants to – and is fully able to – play an even stronger role in regional cooperation in 2012 making use of its think-tank activities, Summit meeting, thematic cooperation among stakeholders and matchmaking activities. Impressive progress has been achieved. That was demonstrated in the review of the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), discussed at the BDF Summit…

Fehmarnbelt Tunnel portal Denmark

Stakeholders join forces to develop the Fehmarnbelt region

in BDF Events, News

Stakeholders of the Fehmarnbelt region are now cooperating to create a new region with a more strongly integrated economy, labor market, tourism, culture and politics. The link that binds it all together is the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, which is the biggest transport infrastructure project in Northern Europe. The cooperation of stakeholders has decided to establish a joint large scale cooperation…

Kickoff Kaliningrad 5

Energy Efficient Lighting and Housing in Kaliningrad

in News, Projects

An international energy project, called RENSOL, will be soon implemented in Kaliningrad oblast and it will bring improvements of what has been already initiated on the environmental front. The project’s focus is primarily on energy efficient lightning and housing. A concrete building in one of the municipalities of the Kaliningrad region as well as public lightning sites will be chosen…

Slider 2012 Banner 640x200

Welcome to BDF Summit / EUSBSR Annual Forum 2012 in Copenhagen 17-19 June

in BDF Events, News

The 14th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the European Commission’s 3rd Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, organised together with the Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Capital Region of Denmark and the Region of Zealand, will take place in Copenhagen on 17-19 June under the headline “Connecting Europe – Smart…

Uffe Ellemann-Jensen and Hans-Dietrich Genscher

20th Anniversary of CBSS and Baltic Media Forum 2012

in News

A special celebration commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Council of the Baltic Sea States took place at Plön Castle in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, on 5 February. BDF participated in this event as well as in the following Baltic Media Forum 2012 held in Kiel, Germany, 5-7 February. 20th Anniversary of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Founder of…

Branding the Baltic Sea Region – In between Global and European Trends

in Debate, News

The idea to build a brand for the Baltic Sea Region has been around for some time now. In this article, published in a special edition of KULTURHAUS BERLIN’s newsletter marking the 20-year celebration of the Council of Baltic Sea States, Hans Brask and Marcus Andersson discuss challenges and opportunities with regard to the branding of the region. After the…

BDF hosts Digital Agenda meeting with Estonian Minister Juhan Parts

in BDF Events, News

On 2 February, Baltic Development Forum (BDF) hosted an informal roundtable discussion with Juhan Parts, Estonia’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications, who, together with selected CEOs and Executives from the public and private sector, discussed the subject of digital agenda and energy. Minister Parts was in Copenhagen to participate in the informal meeting of the European Competitive Council where the…

Taking Notes

BDF ranks 27th among International Economic Policy Think Tanks

in News

Baltic Development Forum has been named #27 International Economic Policy Think Tank in the world in the annual Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania. It’s the only Nordic institution listed in this category. The annual Global Go-To Think Tank Index ranks the world’s leading think tanks with the help of a panel of…