News Categories

‘We need to invest in a European identity’

in Debate, News

Like the ongoing debate on branding and identity in the Baltic Sea Region, top officials are saying that is a necessity to invest in a broader European identity albeit it is a touchy subject. Read this article from EUobserver: By Honor Mahony, EUobserver. 30.03.12 @ 18:03 BRUSSELS – The European Parliament is trying to cultivate a “European identity,” with top officials saying…

Connecting Europe – Smart and Green Partnerships in the Baltic Sea Region

in News

The Baltic Development Forum and the European Commission welcome you to high-level discussions about cooperation possibilities, growth initiatives and challenges for the Baltic Sea Region at the upcoming Summit and Annual Forum in Copenhagen 17-19 June. With focus on infrastructure – public-private partnership – smarter and greener investments and matchmaking to foster cross-border trade. Registration for the event is now…

Call for nominations for the Baltic Sea Award

in News

Baltic Development Forum welcomes you to nominate candidates which you find have made extraordinary contributions to the development of the Baltic Sea region. The Baltic Sea Award was established in 2007. This summer it is distributed for the 6th  consecutive year. The event takes place at the BDF Gala dinner in the Copenhagen City the 18th June during the Baltic…

Regions contribute to renewed economic growth in Europe

in Debate, News

From BSSSC Newsletter March 2012 What is happening at the European scene is important for all regions of the Baltic Sea. Decisions taken by ministers in the various council formations oft en have far reaching consequences for regions and their citizens. The priorities of the Danish EU presidency show a clear link between EU policies and renewed economic growth. When…

Transport ministers back new EU core transport network

in News

15.000 km of railway line will be upgraded to high speed, 35  major crossborder bottlenecks will be reduced and all other transportation operations for passengers shall by 2030 be transformed into a unified European transportation network (TEN-T). EU´s transport ministers  have endorsed the ambitious proposals from the European Commission. Many of the plans for future core transportation network will benefit projects in the…

Baltic Sea Strategy steps up cooperation

in News

The European Commission has today (23 March) released a Communication on the first of its Macro-Regional Strategies, the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), setting out how it proposes to take co operation between the participating states up a gear. The aim of the Strategy is to increase the impact of EU funds to reach common goals,…

BDF new Venue

Welcome to House Warming Reception 16 April

in BDF Events, News

Dear Members, Partners and Friends, You are hereby invited to a house warming reception at our new modernized and more spacious premises at Nytorv 3, 1st floor – in the heart of Copenhagen – just across from the Court House.[threecol_two] The reception will be held on Monday, 16 April 2012 from 15.30 to 17.00 – and to celebrate the event…

An answer to the Bernd Henningsen report on identity

in Debate, News

Don´t try to stop the discussion about a common identity for the Baltic Sea region. Keep on amplifying the dialogues and involving everyone from students to elderly people. That´s a sincere call from Prof. Jörg Häckmann, University of Szczecin, who opposes the report of Prof. Dr. Bernd Henningsen. “The report leaves the reader confused as to whether there is a…

A common identity – “The Emperor´s New Clothes”

in Debate, News

Cutting through 20 years of discussions of constructing a common identity to build a macro-region in the Baltic Sea Region the honorable Prof. Dr. Bernd Henningsen, Humboldt University, Berlin, in an essay, has concluded: There is no common identity: “Just as in the “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, Baltic Sea identity is paraded through the streets under a protective cover –…

Uffe Ellemann-Jensen speaking in the European Parliament

Wanted: Higher ambitions, courage, and clear goals for the Baltic Sea Region

in Debate, News

Honorary chairman of Baltic Development Forum, Uffe Ellemann-Jensen at an Intergroup meeting in the European Parliament March 6th called for assistance to give new impulses to the process of making the Baltic region concept survive. Said Mr. Ellemann-Jensen: “The governments have been reluctant in setting new and clear goals  that would enable benchmarking and evaluation. It is a little sad….