News Categories

newsWave website opened by Danish Minister for European Affairs

in News, Projects

“In my opinion, newsWave stands a good chance of becoming defining factor in developing a “we-feeling” in the Baltic region. I welcome your “new wave”. And I congratulate you on the launch of newsWave,” said Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen at the BDF winter reception 26 February launching newsWave. (Photo: Hasse Ferrold) “I am very pleased to be with…

Welcome to Riga!

in Debate, News

The Baltic Development Forum Summit is very pleased to return to Riga, 10 years after the first BDF Summit in the Latvian capital. With the return to Riga, BDF embarks on a new tour de metropolis around the Baltic Sea – a tour which has been completed over the past 15 years. We begin this new journey optimistically as the…

Attracting Chinese Investments through Regional Endeavours: Meeting in Hamburg 8 February

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Baltic Sea Region Investment Promotion Agencies Attracting Chinese Investments through Regional Endeavours: Meeting in Hamburg 8 February The biggest Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) from all parts of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) met 8 February in Hamburg to discuss how to attract investments from China to the region’s countries and metropolis in the best possible way. The purpose of the…

The Nordic/Baltic Powerhouse is Europe’s Silicon Valley

in BDF Events, News

The Nordic/Baltic region is “the Silicon Valley of Europe” in terms of talents and investments. If these countries can ensure interoperability of their national e-service systems as front runners in e-governance and e-commerce, they will show Europe how ICT can stimulate growth.These were some of the messages at a high level seminar on growth through ICT, organised in Brussels 23…

15th Baltic Development Forum Summit to take place 29-30 May 2013 in Riga, Latvia

in News

On 6 December, the Government of Latvia and Baltic Development Forum signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit to take place 29-30 May 2013 in Riga. The memorandum was signed by Minister of Economy, Mr. Pavluts, and Director of BDF, Mr. Brask. Today, we are signing a document that sends a clear signal – the…

Baltic Development Forum Seeks New Interns for Spring 2013

in News

2013 will be a busy year for BDF, having planned two major events: the 15th Annual BDF Summit will be held in Riga 29-30 May 2013 and an October Water Conference 2013. Therefore, we are seeking a dedicated intern for the duration of five to six months beginning February 2013. Internship description You will be working full-time at the Secretariat…

Busy 2012 with dialogue and consultations with BDF Members, Partners, sponsors and cooperation partners

in News

BDF and Chairman Hans Skov Christensen has visited most parts of the region and beyond during 2012: Hamburg, Lübeck, Pskov, Stockholm, Helsinki, Malmo, Oslo, Brussels, Strasbourg, Tallinn, Riga, Lilleström, Karlskrona, Kiel, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Turku, Malmo. During the most recent visits Hans Skov Christensen had meetings with State Secretary Wolfgang Schmidt, responsible for Federal, EU and International Affairs in the…

Exchange of best practice in the Baltic Sea and Danube macro regions

in News

Future cooperation between the Danube macro-region and BDF was today discussed between the Secretary General of Council of Danube Cities  and Regions, CODCR, Eric Bartha, the Romanian Ambassador to Denmark, Matei Viorel Ardeleanu and BDF Director Hans Brask at a meeting in Copenhagen. The 14 countries along the Danube River – cooperating under the umbrella of the EU Strategy for the Danube River (EUSDR) –…

Water conference provides a breeding ground for new alliances to save the Baltic Sea

in BDF Events, News

BDF will use the preliminary results from the conference ”A cleaner Baltic Sea – investments, business opportunities and new partnerships” in the work ahead to elaborate a regional agenda and a way to re-think water. A report based on the many valuable contributions that were made by the speakers, moderators and participants during the conference will provide a breeding ground for initiating…

Baltic Sea Labour Forum discussed youth employment

in Debate, News

Baltic Sea Labour Forum is a platform for exchange of experience between social partners and other key players of the labour market in the Baltic Sea Region: Employers and business confederations, trade unions, politicians and experts. BSLF organized a Round Table 15 November in Hamburg to discuss experience and joint initiatives to promote Youth Employment and Mobility of Labour. Both…