News Categories

Political State of the Region Report 2013

in News, Publications

The 2013 Political State of the Region Report “Trends and Directions in the Baltic Sea Region” is a fresh take on answering amongst other things the question of: In what state is the Baltic Sea region (BSR) in 2013? What are the current challenges and opportunities? What are the current priorities of its countries? How has the EU Strategy for…

ONE BSR Meeting News

in BDF Events, News, Projects

On the 10-11 September in Copenhagen, at the beautiful premises of Eigtveds Pakhus, the ONE BSR project partners met for the third time, kindly hosted by Invest in Denmark. ONE BSR project’s overall goal is to, through joint efforts, produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region’s brand and identity, to strengthen competitiveness of the region by branding it as one…

ONE Baltic Sea Region (ONE BSR): Baltic Metropoles Accelerating the Branding and Identity Building of the Baltic Sea Region

in News, Projects

We would like to warmly welcome you to join the third ONE BSR meeting and learn about the activities and meet the experts of the European Union Baltic Sea Strategy flagship project. During the meeting current challenges related to talent retention, investment promotion and tourism attraction to the region will be discussed. The meeting will take place in Copenhagen at…

First Baltic EU Presidency: Vilnius a European capital together with Brussels. Helsinki the other place to turn to in the region.

in News

Lithuania has taken over the EU presidency from 1 July and is the first Baltic State country to take over this important task. You can read more about the presidency here.  With the priorities and objectives like “Credible Europe”, “Growing Europe” and “Open Europe” Lithuania is setting a strong agenda for the upcoming autumn. Not only financial growth, but also…

Maritime Conference and Round Table in Rostock

in News

On 8-9 August, City of Rostock and Baltic Sea Forum – together with among others the Finnish CBSS Presidency – organized a conference on maritime policy, chaired by the Lord Mayor of Rostock, Mr. Roland Methling. The maritime sector, government officials, Baltic Sea organisations etc. were represented. Among topics discussed were the challenges related to Clean Shipping, including how the…

Danish seminar on the Baltic Sea Region cooperation: “We need to do much more”

in BDF Events, News

Minister for European Affairs Nicolai Wammen signals at a Danish seminar on the Baltic Sea Region cooperation a more ambitious Danish approach towards the regional cooperation: “the Danish Government has chosen an ambitious approach to the Baltic Sea and the many networks and project activities that we see in the region. I think that the reason why we have come…

Europaministerens tale: Østersøsamarbejdet – Nye Mål, Nye Midler

in Debate, News

Tak til Baltic Development Forum for invitationen til at komme her i dag og fortælle om de danske prioriteter og indsatsområder Østersøregionen. Det er en fornøjelse hver gang, og det var det også sidst, da jeg deltog i Baltic Development Forums topmøde Riga. Tillykke med det fine topmøderesultat! Jeg lægger selv stor vægt på at være med til at drøfte…

Key messages from the BDF Summit in Riga 2013

in BDF Events, News

The 15th Baltic Development Forum Summit 29-30 June in Riga, Latvia sent a strong signal: Latvia and the Baltic States have returned to the Top of Europe, demonstrating high economic growth figures and optimism for the future as well as high hopes for regional and European integration. Baltic Prime Ministers One of the highlights of the Summit was the plenary…

Kaliningrad Beach

Successful Energy Round Table Meeting in Kaliningrad 4 June 2013

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Banks and IFIs are ready to finance energy efficiency project in Kaliningrad: Regional partner countries also ready to achieve results. Within the Rensol project, Baltic Development Forum and Nordic Council of Ministers’ Information Office in Kaliningrad, organised 4 June a Round Table meeting on financing models for energy efficiency projects in Kaliningrad, Russia. The meeting took place in connection with the V…