News Categories

Martin Lidegaard: The Rising Importance of the Baltic Sea Region – Article in Baltic Rim Economies issue 4/2010

in Debate, News

The Baltic region is unique in many respects. It shares many commonalities. History, culture, economic development and not least economic potential are but a few examples. The Baltic Sea area is a region with immense potential. And the EU membership of Poland and the Baltic states has given the area more clout. We work together, trade together and share a…

Highlights from Fehmarnbelt Days 2014

in BDF Events, News

More than 700 stakeholders from decision making, business and academia registered for the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 and came together in Copenhagen 30 September – 2 October to discuss the potential for increased cross-border collaboration between Germany, Denmark and Sweden, and what benefits an integrated Fehmarnbelt Region could bring. Baltic Development Forum was one of the six organisers of the conference,…

Looking back at “Cool North”

in BDF Events, News

On September 8-9 2014 Baltic Development Forum (BDF) and Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in close collaboration with the Danish Parliament, Danish Ministry of Culture, Danish Cultural Institute arranged a two-day conference on cultural diplomacy “Cool North – Cultural Diplomacy in the Nordics: Strategies for Regional Development, Cooperation, Good Neighborly Relations”. The conference was supported by Nordic Council of Ministers…

Welcome to the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014

in BDF Events, News

The Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 are drawing closer. From 30 September to 2 October, the 6 main organisers and 20 promotional partners welcome you to a variety of events at the Tivoli Congress Center and other locations in Copenhagen. Over 600 participants, from northern Germany, Denmark and southern Sweden, are expected to come together to discuss important topics, to learn about…

Talent retention in the Baltic Sea Region – we need international talent

in News, Projects

Working together for ONE BSR project After two years of operation ONE BSR has come to a close. The last conference held in Helsinki, September 4, 2014 went through the events that have taken place under the project as well as looked into what the future holds for the region. The closing session shared the most important participant take-a-ways and future…

Join us for the ONE BSR Final Meeting in Helsinki

in News, Projects

On 4 September, partners and stakeholders, from all around the Baltic Sea, will get together for a final meeting of the ONE BSR project. After two years of intense cooperation throughout the Baltic Sea Region, the final meeting’s participants will look at project’s results and discussions will focus on success stories and shared challenges within the region. Key Messages The ONE BSR final meeting puts three…

Become an exhibitor in the ‘Networking Village’ at the Fehmarnbelt Days

in BDF Events, News

Networking is an essential part of the Fehmarnbelt Days 2014. Taking part as an exhibitor in the Networking Village is the perfect way to brand and promote your company, organisation or project and demonstrate that you are a stakeholder in the Fehmarnbelt Region. The purpose of the Networking Village is to engage all participants in an open dialogue in order…

RENSOL: Mission completed?

in News, Projects

After 31 months the project “Energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast” (RENSOL) is ending and Baltic Development Forum, who led the implementation work through almost three years, has stories to tell and deliverables to be proud of. RENSOL builds on earlier initiatives in the energy field; reports as well as open dialogues on energy issues at several…

Baltic Sea Region – a region of opportunities

in News, Projects

ONE BSR  – ten nations, thousands of stories ONE BSR –  a flagship project within the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Programme and the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is approaching its final phase. Launched in 2012, project’s aim has been to produce elements for the Baltic Sea Region image and identity, contributing to joint promotion of the region….

Map Copenhagen in Region

Programme and Registration: Cool North – Cultural Diplomacy in the Nordics, 8-9 September 2014, Copenhagen

in BDF Events, News

Join us on 8th and 9th September 2014 as BDF and the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) are organizing an international conference on cultural diplomacy in Copenhagen. The event is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The conference is part of BDF´s work on regional identity and branding of the Baltic Sea region. The Nordic model has always had…