New Presidencies of EU and the CBSS

in News

Today Sweden takes over the Presidency of the EU after the Czech Republic, and Lithuania the Presidency of CBSS after Denmark. BDF wishes both countries good luck in their important new roles and will continue to work closely with their respective government offices.


Swedish EU Presidency

From today, 1 July, until the end of the year, it will be Sweden’s task to drive the EU’s work forward. To deal with the financial crisis and to tackle climate change are the two priorities that will dominate the Swedish Presidency.

The Baltic Sea Region will be in focus in the climate agenda due to the fact that the UN Climate Change Conference COP15 will be held in Copenhagen.

But there are also other important issues Sweden will intend to pursue during its Presidency. One is to adopt an EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region in order to deal with environmental problems and increase the region’s competitiveness, along with continuing the work to form closer ties between the EU and its neighbouring countries and EU enlargement.

On 17-18 September there will be a meeting in Stockholm on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region for the 27 Member States’ EU Ministers in order to discuss the new strategy and what experience can be gained from it that could later be applied to other macro-regional strategies.

Sweden will be in charge for arranging a vast number of other top meetings and high-level conferences. BDF is pleased to hold its key-event Summit 2009 in association with the Swedish EU Presidency in Stockholm in October.


Lithuanian Presidency of CBSS

Furthermore, as of today, 1 July, the Presidency of the Council of Baltic Sea States is given to Lithuania.

Lithuania will focus attention and efforts on the following issues: innovation, cross-border cooperation, and clean environment and safe living conditions. Lithuania will also seek the active participation of neighbouring Kalningrad region and Belarus in the implementation of said priorities.

Baltic Development Forum will continue its close co-operation with CBBS, not least by organizing its 2010 Summit in conjunction with the Baltic Sea States Summit in Vilnius on 1-2 June 2010.
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