Mobility for Students and Researchers – Conference in Copenhagen

in News

Register now for our upcoming conference on Strategic and Innovative Mobility: How to Promote Mobility for Students and Researchers in the Baltic Sea Region?

Strategic and Innovative Mobility

At the conference key actors from universities, the world of business, relevant government agencies and strategic actors in the Baltic Sea Region will share information, discuss best practices and explore new ideas and actions for boosting mobility of students and researchers in the region.

The conference is organised by the Danish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2010, the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, Nordic Council of Ministers and Baltic Development Forum in cooperation with the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy-partners, Lithuania and Germany.

When: Tuesday 23 November 2010, 9.30 – 16.30

Where: Danish Architecture Center, Strandgade 27B, Copenhagen

Fee: Free of Charge

Registration: Send an email to BDF Project Manager Ditte Henriksen, indicating your full name, title, company/organisation, email address and phone no.
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