Invitation to nominate candidates for 2012 BSR Innovation Award

in News

The BSR Innovation award recognizes outstanding efforts to improve the innovation capacity/climate/ability in the Baltic Sea Region.

The aim of the award is to highlight the importance of innovation in a Baltic Sea Region context. It is an appreciation of dedicated work done by organizations, network, project or public bodies that have contributed to the innovative development of the region.

BSR Stars, a key innovation program in the region, together with Baltic Development Forum invites you to nominate candidates for this distinguished award!

Award ceremony

The winner of the award will be presented on 18th June 2012 during the gala dinner of the combined Baltic Development Forum Summit 2012 and the European Commission´s Annual Forum of the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, held in Copenhagen during the Danish presidency of EU.

About BSR Stars Selection criteria

The following criteria have been laid down for the Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award. Preferably, the award winner should:

Organizations, network, project or public bodies are eligible for nomination.


The jury will be appointed by BSR Stars High Level Group together with Baltic Development Forum


The winner will receive an award diploma signed by the jury members and 5,000 €.

Deadline for nominations

Is the 1st of June 2012

Nomination procedure

Please send your nomination to the Baltic Development Forum Secretariat, by email to or by post to Nytorv 3, DK-1048 Copenhagen K, Denmark.


Above: Managing Director Wolfgang Blank, Bio Con Valley receiving the 2011 Baltic Sea Region Innovation Award


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