Idea Market in Tallinn 27-28 September

in BDF Events, News, Projects

An international IdeaMarket, hosted by Tallinn Incubator, took place on the 27th and 28th of September in Tallinn that was targeted at the young and ambitious, at business people and creative personalities. The ONE BSR project along with Baltic Development Forum (BDF) took part. The aim was to provide inspiration, international networking and product development.

The focus for day one, 27 September, was inspiration and networking. Johannes Savolainen, founding partner of the Finnish accelerator Royal Majestics, discussed the importance of a team in a business venture, and Fernanda Torre introduced the concept of experience design as a crucial part of new products and services.

The focus for day two, 28 September, was on accelerated product development in teams and developing business concepts. Yet, the IdeaMarket was not limited to networking – all participants were encouraged to form teams and pitch their own ideas to the audience. Using the concept of TeamLab, participants worked in teams, with the help of professional design, engineering, business and IT mentors. All ideas and business models were presented at the end of the second day in front of a jury and the best ideas stood a chance to win special prizes.


Additionally, the group of One BSR bloggers, who took part in the BSR Experience Trip, met with NewsWave. The Baltic Sea Region news portal NewsWave of which the Baltic Development Forum is editor-in-chief hosts the One BSR blogs.

