Hamburg Summit: “China meets Europe“ – fifth Sino-European economic conference on November 28-30, 2012, Hamburg

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”China meets Europe” is a high-ranking and worldwide renowned Sino-European economic annual forum, organized by BDF member Hamburg Chamber of Commerce as a platform for open dialogue between Europe and China. BDF Chairman Hans Skov Christensen will participate in the Summit 2012. BDF recommends business partners to participate.

On November 28-30, 2012 over 400 experts from the economic, political and academic worlds will come together at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce to discuss the status of Sino-European economic relations. The fifth “Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe” will focus on the roles of China and the EU in the global economy, the perspectives for the Sino-European trade relations, raw material supply, the liberalization of the Chinese currency as well as new concepts for “Smart Cities”.

The “Hamburg Summit” is a high-ranking and worldwide renowned Sino-European economic forum, as the participation of the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabaoand in 2006 exemplifies. At the fifth “Hamburg Summit”, the Chinese government will be represented by Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of the 11th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Minister of Science and Technology.Wan Gang will be the Chinese guest of offer and give keynote addresses during the Opening Dinner on 28 November 2012, 18h30, and at the Conference opening in the morning of 29 November 2012.

EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht will represent the European Commission, while the German government will be represented be Vice-Chancellor and Economic Minister Dr. Philipp Rösler. Furtherconfirmed speakers are among others former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, EADS-CEO Dr. Thomas Enders, the Co-Chairman of Deutsche Bank, JuergenFitschen, as well as the Vice Chairman of Huawei Technologies, Ken Hu.

The “Hamburg Summit” was initiated and organized by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce for the first time in 2004 as a platform for an open dialogue between Europe and China with the goal to improve the economic relations and mutual understanding.

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