From a Baltic Point of View

in News

Our Member Sida Baltic Sea Unit has set sights on finding out opinions on the EU Baltic Sea Strategy and published a booklet with the result.

It has been on the agenda for some time, shrouded in speculation, hope and some misunderstandings, but now it is finally here for everyone to admire, discuss and implement. The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is designed to deliver a more prosperous, environmentally sound, accessible and safe region.

Opinions on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

But what do people actually think about the strategy and what is needed to make it work? Our Member Sida Baltic Sea Unit set sights on finding out. The findings from talking to people involved in forming the strategy and those affected by its implementation are available in this one-off issue of From a Baltic Point of View.

The booklet explores the opportunities provided by the strategy and what individuals around the Baltic Sea expect from the collaboration. And, like the region in itself, the responses, feelings and hopes connected to the future of the strategy are very diverse

Meet with Sida Baltic Sea Unit in the BDF Summit 2009 Networking Village.
