Financing models for energy efficiency in Russia: Do we have a magic formula?

in BDF Events, News

The Information Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers in Kaliningrad, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and Kaliningrad Chamber of Commerce and Baltic Development Forum is organising a Round Table discussion “Financing Energy Solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast”, which will take place 4 June 2013 at the Radisson Hotel in Kaliningrad, Russia.

In the beginning of June, Kaliningrad region has particular political attention since the Russian Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States has convened the region’s Ministers for Foreign Affairs to meet in this part of Russia. The Round Table will be organised within this context and the framework of the 5th Forum of Kaliningrad Partner Regions. Furthermore the Round Table is part of the project “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast” (RENSOL) (see, which Baltic Development Forum is the team leader of.

The project is partly funded by the European Union within the framework of the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership that the EBDR is coordinating. The aim of the project is to identify the best available technical solutions and financing model for increased energy efficiency in Kaliningrad with the hope of being able to use the findings more widely in the Northwest Russia

Baltic Development Forum is presently analysing different available financing models that can facilitate greater use of energy efficiency in Kaliningrad region. The Round Table will feed into the final results of the analysis. We are inviting regional and local authorities to discuss various financing models and best practices in organising energy efficiency project in Russia. The topic is important in many ways and if a magic formula is found, Russia will become an even bigger market for energy efficiency. The potential and the needs are huge. Through partnership with Russian partners we hope to be able to transfer the knowledge in energy efficiency which the Baltic Sea Region countries, especially the Nordics and Germany are so rich in.

Join us in Kaliningrad and if you are interested in coming send us an email –

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