Femern Belt Bridge Agreement

in News

An agreement to build a fixed link in the southern Baltic Sea between Germany and Denmark has been reached by the Ministers of Transport Flemming Hansen and Wolfgang Tiefensee. According to current plans, the Femern Belt bridge should be ready for its virgin voyage in 2018.

Foto: www.sundogbaelt.dk

The new bridge will then shorten the way from Hamburg to Copenhagen with an hour and will have a huge impact on communications between Denmark and Germany. The establishment of a fixed Femern Belt link will in fact influence the transport infrastructure and economic development in the entire Baltic Sea Region greatly.

This decision has been strongly encouraged by the Baltic Development Forum Round Table, which over a long period of time have called for a co-ordinated and intensified infrastructural development in order to erase bottlenecks and border crossings. The Femern Belt decision will seriously and positively influence the speed of development and integration in the Baltic Sea Region.

Baltic Development Forum will take further action following the Femern Belt decision and address issues of intermodality and smooth logistical solutions in the southern Baltic Sea Region in the High-Level Group on Transport for Sustainable Growth in the Baltic Sea Region.

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