Energy Efficiency financing solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast and North-West Russia

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Within the Rensol Project, Baltic Development Forum in cooperation with the Nordic Council of Ministers Information Office in Kaliningrad and the City Council of Deputies of Kaliningrad are organizing a seminar on 11-12 March, in Kaliningrad, with the theme: Finances- Authorities – Business. Availability and applicability of Business and Energy Efficiency financing solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast and North-West Russia. Baltic Sea Region experience.

The purpose of the seminar is to identify and explore potential mechanisms of interaction between financial institutions, regional and municipal authorities as well as small/medium sized enterprises of the Baltic Sea Region countries and Russia. Furthermore, the aim is to create favorable conditions for an open and mutually beneficial dialogue with interested parties and to work out models and mechanisms of financing different projects within the mini-arenas (round tables for small groups).

Representatives from the regional and municipal authorities, business, banks and other financial institutions of Russia and the Nordic countries have been invited with the goal of discussing and defining the possible solutions on how to finance projects in the key attractive investment areas: energy, construction, sustainable development of urban areas and businesses.

The 2-days event programme will include:

– Investment programmes of Nordic and Russian financial institutions

– Presentation of successful experiences of attracting non-budgetary funds for implementing  business and municipal projects

– Individual consultations with Nordic and Russian financial institutions

As a starting point for the discussion and exchange of best practice the Rensol report: “Guide to Financing Energy Efficiency in Russia – RENSOL Experience” will be presented.

The seminar is organized with the Rensol project – part financed by the European Commission, and two Nordic Council of Ministers projects.

Please see the draft agenda here.

For registration please contact Katarzyna Dygul, Project Manager,

